There is a great application for your iPad called AirPrint

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Would you like your iPad to display a slideshow of all your pictures when it is not in use? This is easy to do. After you lock the screen, you will see a picture icon appear in the bottom right corner. Simply touch this icon, and the iPad will start the slideshow.

Do you miss using a real keyboard with your iPad? Well this can be easily fixed with any Apple Wireless Keyboard. Really any wireless keyboard that has Bluetooth enabled will work. If you do not want to carry a keyboard, some iPad cases have a built in keyboard that can be very useful.

If you find the iPad to be slightly out of your budget range, then you may want to consider one from the previous generation. While it won't have every single feature of the newest model, you can save hundreds of dollars and lose very little. This is especially true between the newest pads.

Did you know that you can easily add a Google Calendeer to your iPad? It can be synced smoothly with the calendar app. Go to your Settings and then tap and select Mail, Contacts, Callander. To add an account tap on Other. Tap on Add CallDAV and input your Google account credentials.

If your iPad turn by turn directions are too soft or loud, change them in settings. Some people may need a little extra volume for these directions, while others like them softer. No matter your need, you can make adjustments right in your iPad settings. You can even turn off the voice if you don't want it.

There is a great application for your iPad called AirPrint. This will allow you to print directly from your iPad. All you need is a printer that is compatible with the iPad. You will be able to print from the Share menu by simply selecting Print on any open document.

Change your iPad password so it is complicated, hard for someone else to guess and easy for you to remember. Go under 'PassCode Lock" in the general settings, and click on "Simple Passcode" to enable you to make a new and better password that is longer than 4 digits.

Set up your notifications to meet your needs. To do this just go to settings and then click notifications. Here you can customize your iPad to alert you of what you think could be important. This way, you will not be flooded with too many notifications and do not have to miss the ones that you need.

Be sure that you only use official iPad accessories with your iPad. Accessories made by other companies have been shown to slow the device and even cause permanent damage at times. Even though the Apple accessories are more expensive than other options they are cheaper than having to replace your iPad altogether.

Push is a popular standard among iPad users and most email applications will select this as the default route for delivering mail. However, this automatic selection may be disabled for those who do not use the system or prefer manual entry. A new option beneath the settings allows the device owner to regain full control of their email and have it sent where they prefer.

In order to get the most out of your iPad, it is helpful to discover a few of the shortcuts, often used by the professionals. This article has introduced you to several shortcuts that you can use to improve your iPad experience. Play around with them, and see which ones work best for you. Before you know it, you will be an iPad expert!

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