Gilding with the Kolner Method

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Stretcher bars

The traditional method of gilding has not changed in over the course of 4000 years. In recent years, however, there have appeared on the market various alternative methods to the traditional one. One of these is the method K?lner method of gilding which was invented by the German Paul Brauer. With the K?lner method you obtain the same results as the traditional gilding method while reducing the processing time. The procedure is divided into the following phases:

Surface Preparation

As in all methods we start off with browning the surface that needs to be gilded, whether this is wood as in our stretcher bars or any other material that must be made perfectly smooth. All holes or any defects must be covered with stucco or any good filler. The surface is then smoothed with sandpaper and filed down until you have a smooth surface.

In stead of the traditional glue, used in traditional gilding, the K?lner method uses a special sealant, called "123A", which should be diluted with water. The percentage of water to be added may vary depending on the type of stretcher bar wood needs to be browned, but is on average the same amount of "123A". After the filler has completely dried (about 2 hours), the surface is smoothed with a rather soft brush to obtain a fine gloss finish.

Application of the mixture

The K?lner mixture is available in seven colours that can be mixed together to obtain the desired shade. It may be applied directly from the jar, but it would be preferable to move to a new container, the quantities to be used. The mixture is mixed before it is applied homogeneously onto the stretcher bars, trying not produce foam. If it is too thick it can be diluted with water. The K?lner mixture should be applied 5 or 6 times.

You can start with 3 coats of white K?lner, then you can apply a few coats of K?lner mixture if you want to gild with gold any gaps left uncovered that have gone unnoticed. Finally, you can apply a coat of red mixture. The K?lner mixture should be smoothed with sandpaper 400 grit or 600, be careful not to remove the mixture. At the end use steel wool 0000 (very fine type).

Applying the leaf

The application of the leaf is similar to the traditional method with a difference: instead of ordinary water to make the sticky surface using a suitable liquid solution, the Colnasol Gel Concentrate is diluted in hot water. The solution must be sprinkled on the surface and the leaf is then applied in the same the traditional method.


Even the browning of the stretcher bars is similar to the traditional browning and is carried out with burnishers in agate stone. Before you apply the stone you should wait for at least 2 hours after having applied it in order to proceed to burnishing. But it would be better to wait a while longer. The effects of burnishing are also obtained if it is made after months from the application of the leaf. Care must be taken not to press too much with the burnisher in order to avoid damaging the leaf. With the K?lner method in fact a lighter pressure is required from the burnisher.

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