What Is The Difference Between Safelists And Having My Own Email List And Which Should I Use

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What Is The Difference Between Safelists And Growing My Own List And Which Should I Use

For anyone who has been in Internet marketing for any amount of time, you have heard how crucial it is to maintain a mailing list to email. Just about every Internet marketer online will tell you that without an email list you don't have anything. But the question is, should you grow your own list or can you use safelists.

I am going to go a little deeper in this article on how email marketing needs to be done.

Let's take a look at safelists. This is a membership site made up of hundreds or even thousands of other Internet marketers. Usually, you have the choice to join for free but 99% of these web sites have extra features for folks who want to pay for them. Everyone who signs up for these websites automatically agree to permit other members to send them their emails. Most safelists nowadays are credit based lists so you have to click on the credit links in the emails you get. At this juncture, you can trade your credits for mailing other members, and when they get your email they need to click the credit link to get credits and they see your site when they do.

Keep in mind that these other members are like you -- they want to email people and get traffic but they don't wish to purchase something that another member is telling them about. Although you may make a sale here and there by employing these safelists, it is not sufficient to make it worth your while.

However,, you can use safelists that is worth your time. Now, if you would liek to have your own mailing list, safelists can help you build it. You can have people's email addresses by giving stuff away and having people give you their name and email address in order to receive the free item. In no time at all you will have a mailing list of your own you can email whenever you want without clicking safelist links to earn credits.

When it comes to growing your own email list, if you wish to succeed in the long run as an Internet marketer, this is something you should do. Just about any successful Internet marketer will tell you that each individual on your own email list is worth about $1 per month. So let's imagine over the next 365 days you work hard at growing your list and you get 3,000 people to sign up, your list is now worth $3,000 each month.

This is an average since every person on your email list is not going to just pay for a $1 product from you each month. What this means is when you email your mailing list with a good subject line and good content in the email advertising a good product, you can expect to make approximately 1 sale for every 50 people on your email list every month. To explain this a bit better, 1 person out of every 50 purchases a product worth $50 to you per month, that equals an average of $1 per person.

You can even mail a different offer to your list each day. Plus, there is no limit to how huge you can grow your mailing list. Also, you are not limited on how you grow your email list, feel free to use any strategy you want. Safelists are only one way to help you get rolling. You can incorporate a signup form on your blog so people can be updated, then you can email them also and your mailing list keeps growing. It doesn't stop there however, you can utilize any strategy or program you like that can help you build your email list. In short, you can build your own mailing list to any extent you prefer.

And so back to the basic question on what type of list do you have to utilize, whether you should build your own or use safelists. And the answer is both, utilize safelists to start growing your own mailing list.

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