The iPad3 Emphasis on Better Technology

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The iPad3 Emphasis on Better Technology & Hardware-Really? Okay, so the iPad was definitely a top selling product, that still holds a top ranking position within tablet PC's, but is definitely in need of some revamping. Why? Well the tablet world, much like the PC world isn't going to stand still and allow technology to remain in an advanced state, as there is always some room for improvement, enhancement, and advancement-shown true through the iPad2 with its higher emphasis and tailoring of technology and hardware, top focus for Apple this year. Smaller Size-More Power It can seem such a mystery today how you can actually find a smaller device that will out perform other devices that are much larger and seem to have more capabilities. Something larger would perform better right? Well, not always. Why is that? Well, as with the iPad2 you will find that the technology has been increased, but the size decreased to provide more portability and efficient use. The sexy style of the iPad2 is quite a charming piece. ? .34" girth ? 9.5" height ? 7.3" width ? 1.33 lbs So as you see the awesome and sleek style of the iPad2 and begin to wonder what it could possibly have that the iPad doesn't have-buckle down and find out... ? Replacement of A4 CPU with A5 1GHz dual core processor ? 512MB RAM ? WiFi 802.11a/b/g/n, Verizon 3G, AT&T/GSM ? Bluetooth 2.1+EDR ? AGPS for 3G only models ? Ambient light sensor ? Accelerometer ? 3-Axis Gyroscope new to iPad ? Rear Speaker replacing front Don't expect to be knocked out of your seat with the iPad2, however, as the name is a great contributor to the anticipated effect of the tablet on the market this year. Although there are adjustments to the original iPad-definitely adding some greater quality-it just isn't everything that you would expect, but it is definitely a crowd plea