The Start of my Austin, Texas trip.

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The Start of my Austin, Texas trip. Finally the day of my departure for Austin, Texas has arrived. I have awaited for this day for more than a month. Actually it is 37 days from the date I bought my plane tickets and reserved a hotel room. So what's the big deal about going to Austin, Texas? Well I would be attending for the first time the big event of the Empower Network Movement. I already missed the first 3 events which were all awesome. When I look at the pictures of the past event I feel envious because I should have been there too. I was invited to join this brand new company called Empower Network last October 2011 when they were about to launch. I viewed the video that was sent to me and listened for a few minutes then stopped the video and closed it. The reason is that I did not like the person talking on the video. I did not believe what he was talking about. They were just launching and there was not prove that what he was talking about was true. I was a skeptic. Because of the many programs on the internet being shoved to me, I fell into the trap of buying programs that did not work. Or I just did not follow through to make it work. Or you have to buy more stuff to make it work. And so my guards were up. After a lot of passed mistakes in the past, I was wary of the things that are being offered to me. A friend of mine from another networking company that filed for bankcruptcy after the owner took off with the company's money enrolled me and paid for me to join him in this brand new online business. I did not put any money into this business. My friend paid for it all. After 3 months into the business, the company shut down and we were left with nothing. Another acquaintance from Hawaii called me and introduced yet another business on line. I signed up under her team. She was earning money from this company. Every time you buy an advertising package you get a commission. So she started buying and buying advertising packages and true enough she was getting this commission. It was a good thing I did not have any funds to buy these advertising package because after a few months in operation that company was also shut down. Also very prominent in the internet world is the program to Work From Home. Just pay this one time fee and you could start working from home. I did not fall for this one. I knew from past experience that this is a scam. Way back in the eighties when there were not personal computers yet, you will find this small ads in the newspaper that says work from home. Just send $20.00 and they will send you all the information to work from home. And so here I am in the U.S. from the Philippines looking for work and I read this ad. And so I replied to the ad with my $20.00 and never saw that money again. I did not even receive a thank you note. It was just kiss my money goodbuy. That was a $20 lesson that I've learned from that day. And now that we are in the personal computer age, those scammers are into it again and are using the internet to look for more victims. But no me. I know them already. And because of that experience, when Empower Network came along, I concluded that they are one of them and did not join. After a year I saw another invitation from Empower Network. This time they were showing the people with their big checks on stage during their first event in Atlanta. In the Atlanta event they were just about a thousand people in attendance. 3 months later they had their next event in San Diego last September 2012 and there were more people in attendance there. And this weekend they are expecting 4,000 people in Austin, Texas. And I will be one of them. This will be an educational trip where we are going to learn how to create massive income working from home and selling stuff on the internet. This time I believe them and I will be one of them, earning a lot of money working from home. It's too late now to join us in the Austin event but it is not too late to join The Empower Network Movement. You could join now and start your learning process to reach that point in your life when you could just stay at home or any place in the world where there is an internet connection and earn money from there. So check this out and find out how you could start a part time thing that will build you a fortune.