Mouthwash has many side effects

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Rinsing with mouthwash after a snack or meal can temporarily cover your bad breath. However, there are some side effects of using mouthwash. We took a close look at products like Therabreath, Scope, Listerine, Smart Mouth, Profresh and Oral B. Just looking at their warning labels is scary. "Keep out the reach of children," is enough to even think about using a product like these in your mouth.

These are some of the dangerous side effects:

1. Swallowing Small Amounts of Mouthwash While Rinsing

  • Most labels on the back of a mouthwash bottle warn that you might experience "adverse reactions" if you swallow the mouthwash. Oral-B dentists advise that you not panic if you or your child ingests a small amount of mouthwash. Diarrhea or queasiness might ensue. I would stay away from these products completely. Specially, products like Therabreath, Scope, Listerine, Smart Mouth, Profresh and Oral B.
  • According to the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, it is not uncommon for teens to drink large quantities of mouthwash for their alcoholic content. If you or someone you know swallows mouthwash, side effects can include vomiting, diarrhea, slurred speech, dizziness, and according to Oral-B dentists, even a coma. It is imperative to call Poison Control or bring the victim to an emergency room if this occurs.

2. Mouthwash Accidents in Small Children

  • Oral-B suggests diluting mouthwash if necessary. Even though some brands might not work as effectively when diluted, this can give you peace of mind when your child uses mouthwash, especially if he has a habit of swallowing.?Also, accompany your child every time he uses mouthwash to ensure he spits it out each time.?? Really? Why would we even expose our children to "diluted" poison? Diluted poison is poison.

3. Alcoholic Mouthwash

  • Common side effects of alcoholic mouthwash, according to Dr. Dan Peterson, include ulcers, numbness, stains, and even erosion of gums. If you experience any of these effects, switch to a non-alcoholic mouthwash.


Don't risk your health using "POISONS". Products like Therabreath, Scope, Listerine, Smart Mouth, Profresh and Oral B contain acids, alcohol, and dangerous chemicals. Also, they DO NOT cure bad breath. Stay away from poisonous chemicals. If you are trying to cure your bad breath, use herbal, natural, organic products like InFresh that contain herbs and natural elements that are safe for any ages.

For powerful tablet for bad breath, halitosis and morning breath, visit the website: