I Hate My Job - Secrets To Telling Your Employer To Screw Off

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I Hate My Job Secrets To Telling Your Employer To Screw Off

Is your employer clamping the life out of you? I know the feeling, mine's used to as well. I know hate is a strong statement but I always use to say I hate my job. I remember being so relieved every Friday; as the day would advance my mood would improve and I would feel lighter. By the time I got off it was like I just popped some anti-depressant medication. I hate my job!

On Sunday mornings I was still in a good place but deep down inside there was a little ball of stress as a result of I knew that I was a day away from the dungeon; did I say I hate my job? As the day advanceed I felt that ball of stress get larger and my mood used to gradually drop. By bedtime I was stressed and basically depressed. I used to stretch out the "vacation" as long as achievable by staying up late in order to experience every moment I could out of it.

By Monday morning it was like I didn't remember to take my anti-depressant pills (just a metaphor) because I would feel lousy; back to the rat race. Seriously, I hate my job!

Are you aware that the suicide rate is the highest on Monday? I can believe it. I never thought about committing suicide but if I did, I can assure you that it would be on a Monday morning because I hate my job. Every hour I would monitor the clock and think, "Man do I hate my job!"

Does that sound like you? That was me all day long but those days are long gone and Mondays have as a matter of fact grown to be my favorite day a week!


I told my boss to screw off and I commenced my own business.

No more "I hate my job" attitudes. No more dead end jobs, no more fixed income stress.

I fired my boss!

I'm not going to be dishonest and tell you that it was not difficult; it wasn't. It absolutely took a lot of labor. Did you know that nearly all people hate their boss? What this means is that most likely the answer isn't in finding a new position. The identical thing will recur again.

You gotta get out of there.

How To Improve The "I Hate My Job Disease"

Starting your own establishment can be scary, risky and very time consuming. Starting an enterprise from the ground up like I did is extremely challenging. Most people don't have the energy and time to take on that type of monster; luckily I had my wife to partner with because I couldn't have done it alone.

The good news is that you don't have to build a company from the ground up. The number 1 establishments to get involved with are called "Turn Key Businesses". Turn key establishments are companies that have a system already set up for you. All you have to do is find out the system and follow it.

Franchises are turn key establishments but they are expensive to purchase and people don't begin to see a profit for 5 years.

The best enterprise that you can get involved with that will have a program in place and will enable you to fire your boss and improve the "I hate my job" syndrome is by getting involved with Network Marketing.

Most network marketers fall flat by reason of they don't take the time to develop themselves on the skills required to be successful in the business as well as not staying consistent long enough to get results.

I Hate My Job: Secrets To Telling Your Boss To Screw Off

This is what you need to do:

   Don't spring on the first company you see. It doesn't make a difference how good it looks, if you are not trained on what to look for you will make a poor decision.
   Education, Education, Education; Invest in understanding how to be moneymaking in the industry. Your learning should go beyond what a network marketing company has to offer. You need training that will separate you from everyone else.

I Hate My Job: HELP!

Don't leave your employer just yet.

Invest in your training as you take your time picking a network marketing company to take part in. Devote your self to a solid 6 months of being all in. Adhere to these steps and you will be telling your job to screw off in no time.

If you would like to get the proper training on how to be advantageous at network marketing as well as find out how to leverage your education and form multiple streams of income, click here: I Hate My Job; Help!

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