How to Get to the Front Page of Google

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Google pretty much monopolizes the search engine market, having the largest market share. This is why it is vital that you get your site to the top of the Google SERPs because that is where you will be able to enjoy the true benefits of organic traffic.

Your site's domain name plays a critical role in ranking it at the top. If your domain name contains the keywords you are targeting, you will find it easier to rank your site. Ranking your site, though, is based on many other factors as well as your domain name, which is a fact you would do well to remember. Thus, make sure that you put your targeted keyword in when you are signing up for a domain name. Also, there shouldn't be any word before your keyword in the domain name; it should start with your keyword. The reason for this is, your domain name becomes less relevant in the eyes of Google when it notices a word like 'the' in the beginning. Adding another word to the end of your domain name won't hurt you, unless it's done tastelessly and doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If you are lucky enough to get a domain name that is just your principal keyword, then that's great, but if not, you know what needs to be done.

When trying to rank a site in Google, having an older domain is important. Domain age is part of the ranking algorithm because Google sees older sites are being of higher quality and more trustworthy. If you can purchase an older domain name that already is considered reputable by Google, getting that particular site to the top of the SERPs will be much easier and won't take as long. It certainly isn't the only issue you need to remember, but your chances will increase if you do this.

Quality content written in proper English, with good grammar and spelling, is essential in Google's eyes and this is something a lot of people don't know. Yes, you actually get points for writing content that isn't badly structured or uses poor English. It is important for your content to be well-written because Google wants to offer quality and relevant information. Sadly, many a good site has never seen the front page of Google due to poorly written content. So, check the spelling and grammar of your articles before you post them.

Since you can sometimes miss things, you should consider getting someone else to proofread it for you. Only the best sites get to the top of the SERPs because many people think this matter is unimportant and ignore it.

If you work with Google, your website will hit the front page as long as you work towards increasing your position and maintaining it all the time. There are websites that struggle for months and years to achieve an excellent position in Google and never realize they are doing something wrong. Thus, to get to the top of Google's SERPs you need to know what you are doing. You'll get to the top of Google without being a search engine genius as all it takes is a few simple but effective methods.

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