Getting the Most Out of Your Online Customer Service

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There are so many ways in which poor online customer service can sabotage your business efforts. Hopefully you realize that your business is all about your customers and just taking good care of them at every step of the way. Take notes on the rest of this article because you will like these excellent suggestions for great online customer service.

It is simply normal for any business to have a customer who is not pleased with the product, service or experience. While that is nothing new, any company can distinguish itself when they genuinely care about what the customer is going through. Each person is exactly the same in that they want to feel like others care about them and that extends to businesses, as well. By actively listening to customer's query, you'll grasp a better understanding of your own business and it will help you make your customer feel valued. The outcome of a positive customer service experience is like positive branding for your business. The more you try to understand your customers, the better you'll be able to connect with them.

Let's talk about micro blogs and one way most never think about using them for. Well, check out running a micro blog for your customer service needs, and people can comment and ask questions, etc. One thing that is also out of the box thinking is putting part of their customer service on Twitter - the micro blog. Granted, this will not be possible with all markets because some just may not be on Twitter. All they need to do is tweet in their question, suggestions or complaints and you can then tweet back with the reply to it - as simple as that.

Customer feedback is tremendously important and can help you identify weak areas. Ask them what you can do to serve them better and make it clear that your intention is to provide a high class customer service, and for that you do need their help. Short feedback forms or few questions will help, and telling people it will take 30 seconds, or so, will boost response rates. There are many ways to collect feedback; you can directly email them with a questionnaire, offer them a short survey after they purchase from you or do an inquiry. The key to success with online customer service is to be as open with your customers as possible when asking them for feedback. Getting their suggestions will help you immensely in getting new ideas that will take your customer service to a whole new level.

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