From the video game screens to children's wooden toys

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If our children are 'digital natives' or belong to the 'touch generation' this does not mean that their interests are linked to a computer screen.

They are probably naturally led to the use of electronic gadgets and devices, but this just does not mean that their innate familiarity to these objects are like the others that might have or might not have interest in these electronic toys.

There are parents who are frightened by this predisposition to electronic devices that is far from their classical conception of childhood and try to ensure that their children use the PC, smartphone or video games as little as possible. The consequence of such behaviour is only to delay a learning process that their peers are already making and that the future they are to find themselves only behind in the learning.

But on the other hand maybe more damaging could be the attitude of certain parents that are too proud to see that their children are at grips with the multimedia, and their belief that their children favour electronic toys, so at every opportunity they will bring them in contact with the world of technology.

As I said, in my opinion (and I'm only expressing a personal thought), children are naturally drawn to the use of technological objects, but not necessarily find them more attractive or interesting to other children's toys, or may even find it boring.

I do not see anything wrong with the occasionally playing on a portable device, but such electronic devices must be only part of the many toys they can choose from to play with. Every single game can stimulate their curiosity and give them the opportunity to learn and above all have fun.

In particular, parents are delighted when their children have fun playing with wooden baby toys that have been crafted to arouse learning and curiosity.

These wooden toys were fun when the parent was a child, and even more when the parent's parent was a child, and such children's wooden toys such as rocking horses will continue to e fun also for his children.

So on a Sunday, ideally would be to visit one of the many markets that fill the Sunday, and walking through the artisan toy stands the child can enthusiasm himself with wooden toys rather than the usual plastic toys produced.

A colourful carousel on wheels, driven by a stick, turned out to be a fun game for the little girl who now walks with confidence.

There are no flashing lights, no music or sound, but a simple turn of small wooden slats, however, strikes her fancy.

With the older child instead he discovered a game of the parents' childhood, and it revived the past times of play.

Eight tablets and two fabric strips that run down the middle had a surprising curiosity and result. The tablets can be skilfully manoeuvred to create various shapes imagined by children like a dog or a crocodile, thus letting out their imagination. This proves that classical wooden toys can be still central to play time igniting and releasing the child's creativity.

To know more about our Wooden baby toys, please visit my website: