Enjoying Your Life: Tips For Arthritis Sufferers

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To lessen pain associated with arthritis, a good tip is to make a daily habit of stretching. Stretching increases the circulation and warms up the tendons and muscles located in and around the joints. Spending 10 minutes each morning doing a round of stretches will improve the pain associated with arthritis.

Have you visited your physician and tried an exercise program, hot or cold treatments, pain medications and massages to relieve the pain, stiffness, and inflammation associated with arthritis? Have none of these worked for you? When other methods do not lessen the pain or if you have major difficulty, using and moving your joints, you may want to consult with your doctor about surgery. Sometimes, surgery may be a necessity, in order to have some quality of life.

Have sturdy footwear that is meant for the activity you are performing. Different shoes are necessary for normal wear and exercise, because you are putting strain on different joints for each action. Having great shoes meant for each activity will decrease any chance of injury or irritation, as well as making sure to increase flexibility.

Even though arthritis cannot be cured, there are many things you can do to get your pain under control. Be sure to discuss alternative treatments with your doctor that will give you more control over your pain symptoms. A feeling of empowerment will help you get the most out of your arthritis therapy.

Store items on your countertop that you would normally place in your pantry to help avoid straining yourself in the kitchen. Make sure that you use lids that are lightweight and easy to remove. Simple changes like this can make your time in the kitchen more bearable.

Getting 8 hours of sleep a night is great, but it won't help if you're not getting a sound sleep. Arthritis may bother you while you're in bed, so why not check out some of the items available to help you get and stay comfortable over night? You may also adjust pain medications to cope with your joint troubles.

Keep your home clear and organized. Having a clean home can not only better your mood, but it also can prevent any safety hazards that may be lurking in the form of trips and falls. Get some help to straighten up your home, and you will have an easier time keeping it that way.

To help you avoid getting arthritis you should stay away from sugary soft drinks. Sugary soft drinks are a major cause of arthritis because over-consumption leads to weight gain. Gaining weight puts pressure on your joints which can lead to arthritis. So in order to stay pain free and avoid arthritis, you should avoid those sugary soft drinks.

Stay active by taking a walk every evening for 20 minutes. You aren't trying to speed walk or run a marathon, you just need to keep your body in the habit of moving regularly and working out any stiffness in your joints. Regular walks will go a long way towards tempering your arthritis symptoms.

Those without arthritis may not understand what you're going through, but plenty of others do. Be sure to take full advantage of the advice available. While nothing can completely eliminate your problems, you'll be amazed at how much some of these tips can help. Use this shared knowledge to make your burden a little bit lighter.

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