EBook Sales -

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One of the most solid and proven business models for online earners is selling eBooks; after all, there eBooks on just about every subject. With more and more eBook readers like the Kindle offering users Internet access, it is no wonder that eBooks have shot up in popularity--after all they're so easy to understand and obtain, why not choose them over their physical counterparts? The following article shows you how you can go beyond the traditional eBook marketing and actually leverage your eBook in different ways to get more cash flow ...

Use Your eBook as the Basis for a Paid Membership Site: Paid membership sites have exploded in popularity in recent months, especially those that have lots of quality information to offer. Since your eBook already has content, why not leverage to create your own paid membership site based on it? It's not that hard to talk about something you've already included in your eBook or expand upon a chapter topic later on down the line. The eBook you've written could even become your main launch pad for new content that your target market has been clamoring for. You can support your teachings from the eBook through your membership site by adding interviews, case studies, examples and other types of value driven content and help your members understand things better. You can let your members access the site for a monthly or a yearly fee, and if you go for the monthly model, you'll end up making a lot of money because of the recurring sales. So not only do you get the chance to make money through your eBook sales, you also make money with site memberships. Sell Regular Updates: This particular strategy doesn't get used all that often but if you use it right you can build high profit margins that perform consistently. Once you sell your eBooks and when you see your customers satisfied with their purchase, you can aim at making extra profits by selling monthly updates of your eBook. That's correct: the people who like your original eBook will be more than happy to keep buying the content you have to offer if you offer it consistently and it still is able to help them. Pleased buyers will be happy to continue giving you their money because they will trust that you can give them good stuff regularly. While it is obvious that you won't get 100% of your buyers to pay for the updates it is also true that even if just a couple of them do you can make lots of extra profit. You can also hold a few chapters back and release them slow and steady to your customers, which would of course be for a price.

Sell Branded Copies of your eBook: eBooks become more popular and are more likely to go viral when the author allows buyers to put their own names and URLs into the branding.

If a webmaster offers the branded copy of his or her eBook that eBook is instantly seen as more valuable and the webmaster as more credible. Getting others to brand your eBook will help you a great deal, but at the same time it will act as a motivation to make them promote it. You can also take it a step further and allow others to rebrand the affiliate links contained within the eBook (if you have included affiliate links in the book itself).

It's true that some Internet Marketers have made hundreds of thousands of dollars in the eBook arena but if you want to truly make a name for yourself there too you need to make sure that you come up with new and creative ways to market yourself and your products.

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