Lee Jensen

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Presently, I am living in San Francisco with my girlfriend. Please send rent money.


None that actually played.


  • A four hour century on my bicycle.
  • Infamously published Carothers Brothers (I believe the first two were Caros. Bros. Pest Control) with Ryan Anderson. Printed a few other zines prior, all of which tried to make fun of punk rock, fargo, and zines. The attempts at satire seldom worked, because, for example, you see a band in a basement, and the band is giving a long speech about anarchy and fucking the system and such, and during said speech the cops arrive, and the band is the first to crawl on their bellies through windows...Anyway, I had no idea what I was doing and any artifacts from the period in my life has been abandon, at the advice of Fitzgerald. ("and only then, can I continue")
  • Was to serve as Trans Ams, The roadie when they visited our more rebelious states.


San Francisco is a small city.