The Missing Elements To Realizing More Revenue from Website Advertising

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Running ads on your websites and making them profitable are two different things; in order to maximize the ad revenue on your website, you have to work towards creating a better user experience for your visitors. We want to talk about a few approaches for remedying site ads that fail to convert.

Some of these sites are old jokes, you know the kind that promise the traffic moon for a few dollars. If you are new to IM, then we will tell you directly to never take them up on their offers. These traffic generation schemes are run smartly and many gullible webmasters fall for them not knowing the real story. All of it is a dog and pony show executed by robots and fake IP addresses - proxies are what they use. How can a robot benefit you if it's not going to spread the word about your site or click on ads when it's not human? You will be needing to get real people on your site for all the obvious reasons. But on the other hand, such scam services provide educational value after you have been ripped off. You can do SEO, but you have to make sure you are using the proper keywords so you get the right kind of traffic. Each page on your site must include the main keyword you want that page to rank for in the SERPS. Avoid placing your keyword phrases at all the right places in your content and just write with the end user in mind. You can simply mention it in the opening paragraph and perhaps again at the end.

Just like with PPC ads, you need to test and track your ads on your site. That is why it is important to get as much traffic as possible so you can get enough test results. The relationship here is the less traffic you get, the longer it will take in order for you to see something statistically different. You will get better results if you focus on improving your visitor experience, and then the ads will take care of themselves.

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