Attracting More Quality Comments to Your Blog Posts

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Learn how to get more of your blog post readers to comment on your blog. The following article talks about how you can take appropriate steps to boost your chances of getting your readers involved and have them make quality comments consistently.

Show Your Other Side: Readers love it when you offer information in your own unique style that is not timid or guarded. Even if you're an authority in your niche, write about your mistakes and let your readers know where you went wrong. If you want your readers to know you better and to trust your writing, then you will need to be more open and candid with them. Sharing past mistakes becomes a powerful trigger for honest discussions because your readers can share their insights on the subject. You will need to walk a tight rope when admitting to making mistakes or else you might end up losing your readers if you overdo it. Take calculated steps and get your readers involved without risking your reputation.

The "No Follow" Tag Discourages Comments: By deactivating the "no follow" tag, you're likely to get more comments to your blog almost instantly. Many people who would otherwise bypass your blog will leave comments when you've taken this action. "NoFollow Case by Case" is a Wordpress plugin that you can download and install, and this makes it easy to deactivate this feature.

What this plugin does is deactivate the "no follow" ref from any links that people might be including in their comments, which means they can gain backlinks from them.

Choose What Works and Discard the Rest: Do not proceed to write topics which your readers have no interest in, but rather base your writing on what they like. If you desire to make it big as a blogger then you need to use the techniques that you already know work for your readers. Doing this attracts a high number of comments because your readers are already familiar with the topic, and the best part is, they like it. This is not the time to experiment with new topics, on the contrary, base your writing on past but successful topics. By studying past successful topics, you will be able to see how else you can recapture these topics in order to get maximum responses. Rather than regurgitating the old content, it is important that you only pick the ideas from which you can create new articles. Ensure that you give time to your blog to let it grow; take regular action to get more subscribers to your blog and grow your network, the only thing that you need to increase your comments.

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