Ways Of Getting A Larger Penis

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Revision as of 07:03, 28 October 2012 by AnstettRanieri389 (talk | contribs) (Learn how some men are smaller than others, but very importantly, what action can be taken to change this. Real results can be brought about and you can grow much larger with this certified enlargement system.)
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After speaking with most men privately, many would admit that they want to have a greater penis. Many men have spent years secretly agonising over their lack of size and the possible inability to allay a woman in the bedroom. There are various reasons why penis enlargement is so sought after, some men are dealt a cruel hand of fate and have an exceptionally incredibly small or underdeveloped penis and therefore don't feel masculine.

Others lack confidence in the bedroom thinking their penis is simply just not big enough enough to satisfy their partner.

There are other medical problems that may leave an effect on on your penis size. One such condition is called Peyronie's Disease (abnormal curvature of the penis.) Another is Erectile Dysfunction, this is when the man is unable to have or keep an erection.

This condition can sometimes brought on by stress, illness and sometimes psychological problems. Some might say that the old saying 'size doesn't matter' just isn't true. But knowing that you have a tiny penis can bring on a terrible lack of self consciousness that can have a devastating impact on relationships and even cause the individual to stay away from intimacy with women altogether from fear of rejection. Coming to terms what nature gave you is one way, or you can choose to be free of embarrassment, ridicule and feel confident again by wearing the JesExtender.

Explaining what Jes-Extender is

The JesExtender is a penis traction device that has been used worldwide for more than 12 years, tried, tested and found to be safe by leading doctors, it eliminates the use of other painful, dangerous and quite frankly, useless penis enhancement methods including penis suction pumps and weights being used for stretching the penis.

Studies showed that the JesExtender does indeed increase penis size and girth. Its use additionally encourages more blood flow through the penis resulting in bigger and more longer lasting erections.

The JesExtender will fit around your penis snugly and does not interfere with day to day life and can be worn under loose clothes and remain unmarked and is even comfortable enough to be worn in bed at night.

One size fits all so no matter what your original penis size may be you can get to a size increase of up to 3 inches. Results will be different depending on the duration and frequency that you wear the device. For optimum results, the JesExtender should be worn regularly for eighteen weeks although as the effects of the JesExtender are permanent, a break from using this enlargement device shouldn't affect your final size of penis.

The way JesExtender works

Jes works by pulling the penis under gentle exertion which in turn causes mass cell production enabling your penis to become larger and fuller naturally.

Think of weight training at the gym, your penis reacts like any other muscle in your body. As the penis is gently stretched, small tears in the cells tissues are made, these tears are then naturally filled with more cells which enlarge the tissue of your penis and it then hold on to its new size. This is very much like exercising your biceps, as you lift more weights your biceps will moderately grow!

Visit our website now to read more about this topic http://penisenlargement101.net/