Tips for Creating a Facebook App for Your Online Business

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Facebook is the most used social platform and is also the chosen platform for marketers looking to reach out to their audience. The apps on Facebook are a great way to get people to notice you. But there are certain things to keep in mind if you want to be successful with your app.

Say No to Ulterior Motives: A lot of Facebook apps are shady and aren't what they appear. These apps are trying to get users to take an action other than using the application. Some possible actions are getting them to click on an ad or downloading a program. This is not the right way to go about it, and it won't help you get long term results from your efforts. When building an app, focus on doing something that people want; create an app that people truly want to use. Don't let your app deviate from what it's created for or try to get your users to do something they don't want. As people see your app is honest and provides real value, you will be able to attract a large audience. Your first app should not be action oriented; save that for later.

Make it Addictive: Is your app an one-hit-wonder where the users use it once and have no reason to come back? Not a good sign. Your goal is to create an app that your users will want to use over and over again. You want an app that people won't get bored with and that they want to use repeatedly. This is your ultimate goal and if you get it right, will make your app wildly successful. Asking for feedback from the people you know is an easy to find out how addictive your app may or may not be. Your app is solid if they use the addictive to describe it.

There is an element that involves tracking just like your sites because you do want to keep track of how many users your app gets. This is just thinking of the future development of your app, and your programmer can easily do this. This is not a complete necessity, but you should want to know if your app is being used or not. So this is all really very basic, but there is not a lot to it - but the rules of engagement do matter a whole lot.

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