The Power of Your Personal Habits Creates the Potential of Your Personal Destiny

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The world is ruled by personal habits. Habits rule us. The only way we can control our own destiny is by controlling the personal habits that we create.

Thinking of yourself as a common person is a formed habit that has and will always limit your ability to excel. "You become what you think about all day long." Whatever you think about, you bring about. Whatever you habitually think yourself to be, that you are.

"It is the habitual not the periodical thoughts that decides your destiny." Wallace D. Wattles

Your personal habits will either make or break your personal being. This is Powerful-No amount of praying or affirmation will make you great if you continue to habitually regard yourself as being small. Any act mental or physical often repeated becomes a habit. All small personal habits that you create ultimately affects your entire life in everything that you do.

For example, when I was younger, I had a terrible habit by delaying tasks that must be done. My motto was "I will do it...Later, next time, tommorrow." Well next time never came.

Master Your Personal Habits Before They Master You!

This terrible habit of procrastination negatively impacted every aspect of my life: personally, family, business, and relationships. The terrible affects of this personal habit of procrastination was my motivation to change immediately. I replaced those words of procrastination to words of immediate action..."Do it NOW" became my new mantra. But I started with the samll things in life: Do It NOW...Wash my car, invest time with my family, write a simple blog, make that important phone call--Do It NOW!! As a result of this simple yet profound change, I became more reliable, responsible, and more valuable in every aspect of my life.

Changing Personal Habits Begin The Miracle Process of Creating A New Destiny

The Ultimate Formula to Creating or Changing Your Destiny!!!

The compelling force of your thoughts are profoundly powerful. Greatness is attained only by thinking great thoughts which will outwardly manifest itself through your personality and actions, thus forging our personal habits. Remember thoughts are the only substance that when combined with the right persistent actions begin the miracle process of a new beginning.

Seeds, soil, water, and sunlight: These are the combination that will create a massive oak tree. Meanwhile the oak tree was at one time only a thought by the planter. It took the right combination of the seeds, soil, and the persistent watering and sunlight that turned this once upon a time idea into a massive phenomenon.

Everything in life that you see was first created by the energy of thought which eventually turns into personal habits.

Warren Buffet was able to turn a $20 stock into $140,000 stock with his class A Shares. His investment ideas started out with his thoughts. Over time he created the right personal habits by studying (modelling success strategies by great investors like Benjamin Graham), practicing, and honing his skills that makes him the greatest investor in the world. Warren utilized this profound formula of success: He controlled his THOUGHTS by the books he read and the successful investors strategies that he modeled. His thoughts caused him to take massive ACTION through his investments. His investments gave him great RESULTS. The results caused him to BELIEVE in his abilities to successfully invest. As long as he continues this process, he will continue to succeed.

You ultimately have the power to control your destiny by CHOOSING to master your personal habits.

Your Ultimate Power is in your hands. Your Power is created within and manifest throughout. It is through your compelling inner being that is waiting to be shared, expressed, and manifested through your contribution to society. The only way this can occur is by understanding and realizing the influential status that your personal habits have on your destiny.

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