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(You're a well-educated person, and you know what you want out of life. And what you want right now is to lose weight. But, what is the most effective way to do it? If you're like most people, knowing how to lose weight, and keep it off, has got you s)
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Latest revision as of 13:55, 2 December 2012

Try to avoid any fad diets, like 30-day programs or diets that prohibit eating whatsoever, i.e. liquid diets. While these types of programs might produce short-term results, they do absolutely nothing to get at the root causes of why people gain weight in the first place. In other words, they're worthless.

Ask for the salad dressing on the side when you're out at a restaurant. That is the only way that you can control the portion, and the calories, that you are ingesting with your salad. Most of the time, the dressing served is much more than is needed to add flavor to the lettuce.

Losing weight comes down to a simple science of eating fewer calories than you burn. If you measure your calorie intake, as well as using reliable techniques and instruments to estimate your calorie-burn, you can be sure that you are on a fail-safe path to losing weight. While this may be difficult, it is a sure-fire way to slim down.

Keep a list of the benefits you will gain from losing weight and being healthier. This will help you to remain focused on your goals and remind you why you are dieting. If you keep this list where you can see it each day, you will have a constant reminder of why you're doing this.

If you're the kind of person who toe-taps or fidgets, don't hold back! It burns more calories to sit at a desk fidgeting than to just sit still. Fidgeting is no substitute for a workout, but it can help maximize your calorie burn during what would otherwise be inactive time. Every little bit counts!

As you age you should evaluate your diet and make appropriate changes. As people age their nutritional needs change. Women in particular need more iron and calcium as they get older. You should add in foods that both control your weight and help you to get the nutrition that you need.

When attempting to lose weight, it's generally a good idea to get a physical. When you get a physical, your doctor will let you know if there are any medical conditions you need to be aware of, or if they'll restrict you. It's also important to get your thyroid checked.

When you are trying to lose weight you should always have some sugarless gum available. Chewing gum suppresses the appetite. It gives your mouth something to do and the flavor can distract you from cravings. Mint gums also make your mouth feel clean. Most people do not want to eat when their mouth feels clean.

If you are trying to lose weight, make sure you are not wholly dependent on the number you see on the scale as a mark of your success. Realize that muscle weighs more than fat, and that muscle requires and burns more calories. Try to only weight yourself once a week, or better yet, just go based on how your clothes are fitting rather than being stuck on the number on the scale.

Drinking anything other than water could spell major trouble for your weight loss efforts. Not diet soda, not concentrated fruit drinks, and not even black coffee or tea. Water is the perfect beverage; it has no fat, calories, cholesterol, or sodium. It also helps to flush toxins from your system and keep your skin looking great.

Hanging a mirror in your dining room or kitchen can help you lose weight. You are your own worst critic. Seeing yourself consume fatty foods or large portions of food can deter you from eating too much! If you do not want to redecorate with a large mirror, opt for hanging small mirrors on the refrigerator, cookie jars or even on tempting items in the freezer to give you enough of an incentive to make better food choices.

It may be hard to believe how easy it is to get yourself into a healthy routine. It can seem hard, but using the tips we gave you, along with other sensible ideas, you will be a healthier, smaller, and happier you. Keep these ideas in mind, and success will be easy for you.

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