New York City Apartments After Sandy

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The northeast was hit hard by Super Storm Sandy, but what wasn't expected was for the people of New York to come together to rebuild and help their neighbors rebuild their own lives. It is amazing what a natural disaster can do to bring not just communities together but big cities and even states as well. New York has been through some major issues in the last eleven years. It all started with the demise of the twin towers and went downhill from there. This state has a great history of pain, hurt and destruction. Super Storm Sandy took a great toll on parts of New York.

New York City Apartments Affected

Everybody knows that New York in one of the most major and busiest cities in the country. It's loud, crowded and packed. However after sandy it was said that New York was one of the most silent places and you could hear a pin drop. It was isolated for days after the storm says reporters and eyewitnesses from the area. This is not normal for this place of life. After Sandy some people did not return home they put their homes up for sale and moved. New York City apartments came up for rent all over the city. Not only was Sandy a major winter storm, but a major winter storm combined with a deadly hurricane is nothing to be played with. Hundreds of New York City apartments, homes and businesses were out of power for weeks. Phones were down, trees uprooted, homes were destroyed and lives were changed forever in this state once again. Transportation was suspended in all forms; much of the city was in darkness and without power for days and some even weeks without power. People were stranded and this storm took lives, homes and livelihoods as well. Businesses that have been around for a long time were destroyed and families were lost and shaken, and left standing in the dark not knowing what to do or where to turn. This huge city; that was normally striving with life and busy with traffic was devastated. It was complete destruction for most apartments for rent in New York. However the people of this city may be tough but they have big hearts and tend to take care of others when needed. This is proven in the past with the 9/11 attacks. They came to gather to rebuild New York City apartments and homes and businesses. People hunkered down in the dark until help came to them and stuck to gather. This city will come to gather and rebuild and will be stronger than before.

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