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(Well, you've decided to better your personal financial situation. That is very good. Though there is a lot of information out there, don't worry because helpful personal finance tips are here! Listed below are some tips that will help you get started)
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Latest revision as of 08:50, 13 November 2012

Start saving for retirement. This can seem like a far way off, but every penny you put away for your retirement now is another penny you won't have to earn when you're older, less interested in working and less able to work. Start saving now so you can relax later.

To save money, you may want to purchase the generic version of items you would usually buy. For instance, a name brand shirt could cost you $30 at a high-end store. At Walmart, you could find the same shirt for $10. You will save a lot of money, by shopping this way.

In order to properly manage your finances during the holidays, start purchasing your gifts at least 2 months in advance. By purchasing gifts little bit by little bit, you are ensuring that you can still have money to pay your bills. Buying gifts all at once will just leave your broke.

In order to save money every month, do not sign up for unnecessary leisure services. This will just end up costing you money and more stress. For instance, if you do not watch all of your cable channels, think of getting a smaller package. If you do not use all of your cell phone minutes, think of downgrading to a smaller plan.

Eliminate the credit cards that you have for the different stores that you shop at. They carry little positive weight on your credit report, and will likely bring it down, whether you make your payments on time or not. Pay off the store cards as soon as your budget will allow you to.

Automatic bill payments should be reviewed quarterly. Most consumers are taking advantage of many of the automatic financial systems available that pay bills, deposit checks and pay off debts on their own. This does save time, but the process leaves a door wide open for abuse. Not only should all financial activity be reviewed monthly, the canny consumer will review his automatic payment arrangements very closely every three to four months, to ensure they are still doing exactly what he wants them to.

Always make your credit card payments on time. If you do not you are sure to be deemed a credit risk; your credit score will go down; and your interest rates will go up. Make at least the minimum payment on time so that late payments do not get applied to your credit report.

Now, don't you feel better after reading all those tips? That was a lot of information to think and read through, but at least now you know what to do and where to begin with your personal finances. Also, you can always refer back to the above list of tips if you forget.

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