If you have asthma, and you have no choice but to live in a cold environment, try not to spend too much outside when it is cold

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Use the right medication to control your asthma. Have you noticed that you can only prevent your asthma attack by using your inhaler more than twice a week? Do you have to refill your prescription several times a year? It might be a sign to visit your doctor and ask for a different medication to control your symptoms better.

Make sure to take all of your asthma medications exactly as your doctor prescribes them, even if you haven't been suffering any symptoms lately. Not having symptoms doesn't mean your asthma went away; it just means your medications are working! This includes your preventative medications as well as your rescue inhaler.

If you have asthma, and you have no choice but to live in a cold environment, try not to spend too much outside when it is cold. The cold will worsen your asthma symptoms or cause attacks. Spend as much time as you can in a hot environment and when you have to go outside, wear a scarf.

To teach a very young child about asthma make use of videos and online websites that offer cartoon instruction regarding medications, nebulizers, and good practices in dealing with asthma. Demonstrate using the nebulizer on a doll or stuffed toy. Allow your child to instruct the doll or toy. This will help you gain quite a bit of insight into your child's concerns and fears around asthma.

Make sure your child and everyone involved with your child understands the need for and importance of your child's controller medications. If controller medications are missed or neglected, your child could have an asthmatic reaction that could weaken his or her lungs. This could cause asthma symptoms to worsen.

If you have seasonal asthma ask your doctor for an allergy test. It is possible that there are a few allergens that are causing your body to react and there are many sources to find what levels those are at. Knowing this can let you know the days to take action by staying inside, taking allergy medicine or using a sinus cleaner.

Keep your windows closed and run an air conditioner in the spring and summer instead. While it is better for the environment to open a window, the pollen from outside will drift inside and can trigger seasonal allergies and asthma attacks. The air conditioner will also help control the humidity inside the house.

Children are the primary sufferers of asthma, which is a serious disease. Cigarette smoke, dust mites, animal fur and excessive exercise are all stimuli that often set off an asthmatic attack. Asthma cannot be prevented but it is treatable with medication, avoiding triggers and avoiding behaviors that may set off an attack.

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