How To Get Those Extra Pounds Off

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Revision as of 18:53, 1 December 2012 by RobertJSConnor (talk | contribs) (Weight loss is a confusing topic. There are so many different people and articles telling you so many different things it can be quite difficult to wrap your head around them all. This article will aim to lay down the essential and necessary basics o)
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Record all of your favorite television shows and only allow yourself to watch them when you are exercising. This can be a great motivator to exercise more, because you will be eager to start working out just so you can watch the next episode of your favorite program.

Slow down your eating. A lot of people tend to eat quite rapidly, but this doesn't give your stomach time to signal to the brain that you are actually full. That process can take up to 20 minutes. Try to chew each bite of food at least 20 times, and put down your eating utensils while chewing. If you are eating something with your hands, put the food down after each bite. While eating, be sure to drink some water, as this will slow you down, and also help to fill you up.

A key factor in losing weight is to stay organized and to set goals. Setting goals and keeping track of progress will assist in keeping everything managed. With exercise and diet goals recorded and accurately tracked one will know exactly what they have done. They will also know what they need to do to keep weight loss on track.

When you are trying to lose weight, be sure to reward yourself when you do well. If you are walking for exercise, try giving yourself a reward after you have walked a certain amount. For example, every time you walk ten miles, go buy yourself a new book or go to the movies. This is a great way to keep motivated.

If you seem to be gaining weight or want to start a weight-loss program, first consult with your doctor about any medications you may be taking that cause weight gain. Certain drugs, such as anti-depressants, can cause you to hold on to weight. Your doctor can work with you and try to find medications that won't sabotage your weight-loss efforts.

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, but you should avoid certain foods. Sugary cereals are one of the foods that you should elude, as most are packed with sugar and fat. Eliminate sugary, pre-sweetened cereal from your diet, if you want to maximize your ability for weight loss.

Eating a high-fiber diet can help you lose weight. Foods that are rich in fiber make you feel more full, so you won't be tempted to eat as much. Start your day off with a high-fiber breakfast. A bowl of oatmeal or other whole grain hot cereal is a good choice. Try topping it with some fresh fruit.

Combine exercise and charity work by signing up for charity walks. You will feel great about fighting causes like breast cancer. This will also give you more motivation to do them. Feel even better by inviting your closest friends to pledge with you and set up training sessions so you can go the extra mile.

Burning tiny amounts of extra calories throughout your day will help you lose weight. For example, if you stand on one leg and switch feet every 30 seconds while brushing your teeth, you'll burn 10 or so calories. Over the course of a year, that's two pounds lost - just by brushing your teeth!

Now that you've read these tips, it's time to get to work. You should now have an idea of where to start and be one step ahead of everyone else. But if you don't get started, you'll never finish, so it's time to get off the computer and get working!

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