Co Sleeping With Baby - Beneficial or Detrimental?

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When most people first give birth you are so over guarding of your child. Understandably so, new borns are so tiny, delicate and lovable.

I can summon into mind the day my daughter was conceived. I was a 1st time mom so I everything was new to so me. Changing diapers, breastfeeding, dressing her was all a new sleeping with baby

I look back now and I just laugh at my expedition because now I can do all of these things with my eyes closed.

Before my daughter's arriving we had the room set up just like most parents do. Actually she was going to be staying in our bedroom. We had her changing table and crib all set up and prepared to go.

Then the day finally arrived when I went into labor! I wanted to have a water birth. The birthing tub was all set up right in the center of our bed room. Unfortunately I was unable to use it because she came out to fast!

I delivered her right on our bed. :)

I was thrusted into motherhood.

Nothing ever really prepares you for motherhood until you go through it.

Co Sleeping with baby - How did I end up here?

I was now a new mom how astonishing! My daughter was not a chunky child by any means. She was very long and lean.

The early months of breastfeeding can be really paralyzing for new mothers. My daughter nursed every 30 minutes at times. It was like she was trying to double her weight in one week!

Talk about an paralyzing adventure.

During the night time was the toughest. It seemed like as soon as I put her down in the crib and tried to get some rest myself she woke right back up.

It became very clear that she did not like the crib at all. About a week and a half later something had to give. I couldn't continue getting up excessively night in and night out to breastfeed my daughter while my husband slept so soundly and tranquilly!

And that's when co sleeping with baby happened.I brought my daughter into our bed. At first I was a little afraid about co sleeping with baby because you hear so many adverse things about it being hazardous.

But if done properly it is one of the best things you can do for you and your child.

Co Sleeping with baby - Benefits

I read a book on attachment parenting by Dr. William Sears.

Attachment Parenting focuses on the nurturing connection that parents can develop with their children.

That nurturing connection is viewed as the ideal way to raise secure, independent, and empathetic children.

Some of the attachment parenting suggestions are:

   - Prepare for pregnancy, birth, and parenting by eliminating opposing thoughts and feelings about pregnancy.
   - Breastfeeding
   - baby wearing
   - co sleeping
   - and more

I feel that co sleeping with baby inundates your baby with so much nurturing because you are always right there and the baby can sense you.

You don't have to anguish about getting out of bed to care for to your baby because you are right there. That is why when you are co sleeping with baby they tend to sleep for longer periods of time.

If you breastfeed this is an even greater advantage to co sleeping with baby because when you need to nurse all you do is turn to your side and enable the baby to nurse while you go back to sleep. They baby will stop feeding when they are finished!

This was an Immense lifesaver for me! It allowed me to get contented rest at night which is so valuable to your body when recuperating after delivery.

There are countless advantages to co sleeping with baby. The only detriment can be not following proper guidelines for co sleeping with baby.

NO your child will not want to sleep in your bed forever, NO your child will not end up being bashful , lack confidence or lack independence. Actually it grows their confidence and independence.

As far as intimacy..just be imaginative. If you are not intimate in your other places! :)

Co sleeping with baby - Guidelines

Here are some co sleeping with baby tips to make your co sleeping with baby adventure is safe for your child.

1) If you are remarkably over weight avoid co sleeping with baby directly in bed. Alternatively use a co sleeper that you bind to the side of your bed that way your baby is still close to you.

2) Avoid co sleeping with baby if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

3) Make sure that your sheets are fitted to the bed correctly. Refrain or stay away from using a bulky comforter.

4) Make sure there are no spaces in between the mattress and wall so that the child can not get trapped in between.

5) Dress the child appropriately since adults in the bed will be giving off body heat.

6) If your spouse is fearful that he may hurt the baby while sleeping place a body pillow or some other blockade on their side of the bed. This insures that they will not be able to cross over to your side of the bed so you at the child are safe. You can also use a co sleeper as well.

7) Lower your bed to the floor by eliminating bed frame and box spring . This will eliminate any concerns about the child falling out of bed.

8.) Avoid using a waterbed

Theses are just few guidelines to follow if you would like to begin co sleeping with baby.

Just be aware that you will not be alone by co sleeping with baby.

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