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(Pumping poop was not always something that I desired to do. It came into my path as I set out to pursue my dream.)
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Latest revision as of 18:30, 30 November 2012

Have you ever wanted to do something so bad but was fearful of what others would say?

Maybe you were nervous about not making the same amount of income.

There are endless reasons why people don't pursue their dreams.

You may ask why would a Certified Public Accountant would desire to alter careers to pumping poop?

I will go more into detail about this in just a moment.

The Truth

If you asked 100 people whether they highly valued their job I am pretty sure that over 75% would say no.

You ask them why they would continue to do something that they didn't like they say things such as:

"I have been doing it so long, I might as well keep doing it."

"I bring in a good salary, I don't want to give it up."

"I have a family now..chasing my dreams would be reckless"

There are endless reasons why people decide on to stay in anguish in their jobs. Day after day.year after year. Day in and day out they go to their jobs doing something that they don't love to do.

Pumping Poop My Adventure

Seven plus years ago that was me. Working in corporate america as a tax accountant. The money was fantastic. The perks were even greater and I made great relationships. But deep down inside I was suffering. I was miserable. My first day on my first job out of college I knew this wasn't for me. But I figured that I just needed to give it sometime and that I would learn to love it.

That passion never came. But I kept pushing on performing what I thought someone on my career path should do. I eventually studied and passed the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. This was actually one of my greatest achievements at the time. It required a monster amount of perseverance and discipline for me to pass that exam.

And even still after this super colossal achievement I was still sad and disappointed day in and day out doing something that I didn't love.

Around this time my health started to recede. I was overweight, pre diabetic and dominated by the stresses of work. I went from an active person to someone confined to my desk eating horribly. I take full responsibility for my health deterioration because my job did not put the food in my mouth or stopped me from working out. But what I will say is that my job took away my love for living. The fire that burned within me was extinguished by my unfulfilling career. I was eating away my anguish. I knew something had to change and I had to take responsibility for my happiness. Even if pumping poop was part of it. :)

Over ten years ago I met my spouse who was then my friend. He has always been a health enthusiast even before he received academic education. He advised me to restore my health through distinct modalities such detoxing, juicing, nutrition and working out.

Through my metamorphosis I developed a passion for health. Still unhappy with my career I started of thinking of potential company ideas. So we started to brainstorm on possibly opening a holistic center where we could help people to alleviate their wellness using natural methods. Just as I myself had experienced.

I decided to enroll in massage therapy school as a start. Most people are unaware but in an accredited massage school about 75% of your education is involved in anatomy and physiology. So this gave me a very solid foundation in understanding the human body. After further brainstorming with my husband we decided that colon wellness is an area that we must address at our holistic center.

Because we wanted to address colon health we decided it would be best if I got certified in colon hydrotherapy(aka pumping poop). And this is what I did. So this is where the pumping poop comes in!:) If you would have asked me 7+ years ago if I would be pumping poop I would have said H*LL NO!!!!

But it is amazing what aspiring for your passion will lead you to.

Colon hydrotherapy(aka pumping poop) is a very much needed service. It is a risk-free gentle, and effective system of removing impacted waste and other toxins from the large intestine (colon).

NO it in not unpleasant, NO I do not touch feces, NO it is not embarrassing.

Have The Braveness To Live Your Aspirations

Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. It is not even about becoming an entrepreneur. It is about realizing that each and everyday is a blessing because tomorrow is not promised. If you knew that tomorrow was your last day would you have a feeling of regret that you didn't pursue your passion?

Are you a person who is driven by fear or are you frozen by fear?

Don't let fear stop you from doing whatever you desire.

Don't be a wussy and go for your aspirations.

Don't let pumping poop stop your decision from living your dreams. Oops.this was my story. :)

If income is your main concern you should consider making an additional stream of income online before pursing your dreams.<p

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