Building Your Own List Or Utilizing Safelists -- That Is The Question

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What Is The Difference Between Safelists And Having My Own Mailing List And Which Should I Use

Owning a mailing that you can send your promotions to is one of the most crucial things you can do to help ensure your online success. Keeping a list to send your offers to each day or even every couple of days can make or break your web-based business. I have been asked again and again if people can merely use safelists and other list building programs or if they should build their own email lists.

In the following paragraphs I will answer this question and explain to you precisely how and why you should be utilizing safelists and your own mailing lists.

We are going to start off with safelists. Safelists are email lists that consist of mostly Internet marketers. You can normally join without paying fees. Once you sign up you will be getting emails from other folks who are likewise a member of the website. Most safelists will include a link in the email that you have to click so you can earn credits. Here, you can trade your credits for sending out mailings to other members, and when they receive your email they must click the credit link to get credits and they see your website when they do.

The primary problem with safelists is that no one is there to purchase anything. Don't misunderstand me, it is doable to earn money with these programs but it will be rare, not enough to make all your time clicking links worth it.

These safelists can be employed for other forms of marketing which are worthwhile. Now, if you are interested to have your own email list, safelists can help you grow it. You can collect people's email addresses by giving stuff away and having people provide you their name and email address in order to have access to the free item. This way you are building your own email list which is much more desirable.

Now, there is one thing you truly should realize if you're serious about becoming and remaining an Internet marketer and that is You Need Your Own Mailing List. If you ask anybody who has been in the IM scene for some time they will tell you that you can earn more or less $1 every month for every person you have on your own list. While that may not seem like a considerable amount, think about what happens if you have your own mailing list of 5,000 or 10,000 people?

This also doesn't mean that every person on your list sends you $1 per month. The way it is works out is, when you have people on your list they are more apt to buy from you as long as you give quality, and you should be able to sell 1 product once a month to every 1 person out of 50 who are on your list. Thus, if you have 50 people on your email list and you sell only 1 item worth $50 to somebody on your mailing list in a month's time, that is how you get your average, and when you think about it, it's not that difficult to do.

The coolest thing is when it is your list you can send your emails anytime you desire. You can likewise build your list however big you would like it to be, where safelists only let you email so many people every 3 to 7 days. You can use various techniques to build your list as well. Safelists can help you to grow your list but there are many other ways to list building. One strategy which is really popular is just by placing a form on your website or blog so people can sign up for your free newsletter. List building is just limited by your imagination, you can grow it anywhere. Basically, the sky is the limit when it comes to growing your mailing list.

Hence, safelist or your own email list, which one should you focus your attention to? You should be using safelists but only to the point where it is helping you grow your own mailing list.

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