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One of the new inventions on its way is a sex robot, not a blow-up doll or a vibrator, but a full-size fully -interactive sex partner. It will have many benefits like: on call any time you feel frisky, lower the rate of unwanted pregnancies, fully devoted to your needs and less apt to pass along any type of sexually transmitted disease (STD). I guess there might be some pitfalls too, like: computer malfunction, computer virus or even low battery function. Yet, in our techno age of discovery this just might put online dating out of business.

And other benefits to these robots could possibly be help for the sexually addicted, aid for the lonely hearts club and a reason to keep the less monogamous person more devoted to the person they are in a relationship with if they know they have R2 D2 to help take the edge off of their sexual monotony.

The ideal purpose for the sex robot, if it really works, would be to lower the number of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that people contract on a daily basis. STDs have been a problem since Eve encouraged Adam to take his first bite of yummy fruit; things just went downhill after that. People will always engage in the sexual experience with another human, robot or not; maybe sex robots will enhance the three-way, but sex robots will never replace the urge to have sexual contact with another person. Most young people are just waiting and fantasizing about their first kiss and the soft touch of human lips to their lips and not many are fantasizing about a mechanical being as their first encounter, although practice with a sex robot might prove to be a good education before encountering the real thing.

Once a person moves past the puppy love stage and begins their sexual life they are most likely still driven toward the human touch, even if it is their own human touch. Yet, as sexual desires increase and the need for further gratification intensifies, there is definitely a market for sex robots. After all, sex toys are top sellers and sex robots cannot be far behind. Different people crave different types of sex acts just like we crave different foods and the sex robot might be capable of doing things that humans desire but fear asking others to do to them; the robot will not mind licking any body part or doing -just let the imagination run wild.

The small risk for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and or (STD)after having sex with a robot is still there depending on how many people share the sex robot and how clean the creature is kept. But the sexually transmitted disease risk between human and robot compared to human and human is comparatively minuscule.

One thing that will never change as long as humans live and breathe is that there will be human sexual contact and the need for STD testing remains a vital part of our survival. But won't it be fun while you are waiting for your STD test results to think of names for your sex robot? And what will you and your robot do tonight?