Effective Strategies To Help You Deal With Arthritis Pain

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Pay close attention to your posture and how you are carrying your weight. Lack of proper posture is a big contributor to the development of arthritic symptoms. When you are not carrying yourself correctly you end up placing undue stress upon the joints and muscles of your feet and back.

If hot packs are not working anymore, try hot wax. Do not heat the wax too much: melt it and apply it on your hand. The wax will stay warm for a long time and reach every part of your hand, unlike hot packs which can only be applied on a certain area.

Sign up for counseling. A doctor will help you with the medical aspect of arthritis, but counseling will help you with the psychological aspect. Counseling will help you deal with your stress better and perhaps even with your depression if this is the case as well as help you cope with the chronic pain.

There is new evidence that taking fish-oil capsules may be as effective as taking naproxen or ibuprofen in helping relieve the symptoms of arthritis. The recommended dosage is usually 4 grams of fish oil a day. This translates into four standard capsules. Fish oil has been show to help with inflammation and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Apply cold packs on your hands when they start hurting suddenly. If you have suffered from chronic pain throughout the day, a hot pack might be more appropriate. Try both hot and cold packs and find out when you prefer each one. You should always keep some packs filled with water handy.

Sometimes walking from one room to another can be extremely painful for people who suffer from arthritis. Do not make your home into an obstacle course and make your paths around the home as easy to navigate as possible. Have someone help you move your furniture so that there are easy paths to get from one room to another.

Find out if there are any support groups in your community, and if not, think about creating one. Living with arthritis can be hard, and you will need all the support you can get. Find a group in your community or join an online forum or community about arthritis to contact people who share your concerns.

Check out the Arthritis Foundation's list of recommended products and appliances. A lot of products are not easy to open for someone who suffers from arthritis, and certain appliances might be difficult to operate. This list contains products and appliances that can be opened or operate easily for someone with arthritis.

Make time for yourself. Setting aside at least thirty minutes a day to do something strictly for you should not make you feel guilty. Doing this can make you more productive and relaxed, which will in turn prevent flare ups and painful swelling. Learn to relax, and you will find yourself in better health.

The severe pain and limitations associated with arthritis can be hard to cope with. Basic tips will help you deal with arthritis in the best way possible.

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