The Grave Consequences If You Use Your Mobile Phone While Driving

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It's been a little over ten years since using hand held mobile phones whilst driving was banned. Yet still, there are plenty of people who put their own lives and other people's lives in danger with not being attentive to warnings. They make themselves busy texting, tweeting, and updating Facebook status whilst driving.

But there really isn't much to laugh about, is there? It was in 2003 when the law regarding this has been enforced and there were a million motorists who were charged guilty because they were caught in the act of using their cellular phones while driving. At the time the fine was raised by 50% in May 2013, each conviction today would cost the driver for about £90 from the prior £60.

Additionally, 3 points will be reflected on their license that will actually stay for four years. For those people who believed that this is just a simple matter about your finances, then you need to consider the survey that is made by an insurance firm about the cost of a policy for someone with a mobile phone conviction on their license ] an average raise of 49% is expected after having a conviction. You can't just let this happen right?

Using Mobile Phones While Driving: The Human Tragedy

Financial matters may not be an issue to you, but come to think of the harm that disobeying the law and refusing to give up texting can cause to other human beings like you. As per the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), between 2006 and 2010 there have been 1,690 road accidents that triggered injury, mainly due to mobile phone usage. What make things worse is that over 110 of these accidents were fatal.

According to the IAM, with using your mobile phone while driving, it increases the tendency to four times that you are to crash. This is because your reaction times will be 50% slower and your focus can be easily lost with an incoming call or text.

What Exactly Are You Risking When Making Use Of Mobile Phones While Driving? It's definitely illegal to utilise any hand held unit or mobile phone while driving. This is applicable even at traffic lights or even in a line of traffic (except if it's at a standstill and your engine is off.) or if you are teaching a beginner driver. You will get 3 points and pay a penalty when you are caught using a mobile phone while driving. At this time, it is about £100. If your case will be brought up to the court, you can have a fine around £1000. And if you are driving a bus or HGV, you will really be subjected to a maximum penalty of £2500.

Making use of Mobile Phones While Driving: Is It Ever Okay?

Certainly! It is legal to utilise a hand held mobile phone to call 999 or 112 in an emergency and it's unsafe or impractical to stop. Furthermore, you can use your mobile phone if you have stopped securely or parked in a safe place. So as you can be free from holding your mobile phone to operate it, you can make use of hands-free mobile phones lawfully. It isn't unlawful to press some buttons on the mobile phone but remember that once the law enforcement official think that you are diverted by it, the chance is you can still be prosecuted.

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