Beautiful Music - Written While Waiting On Phone Call From Physician About Cancer Test result

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Jump to: navigation, search This is a TRUE Narrative concerning 2 songwriters who met for a songwriting appointment in Nashville, Tennessee...otherwise recognized as Music Row. One of the writers was planning on canceling the songwriting session because he was to the Doctors office the previous day and tested for Cancer. The Doctor did his tests and was thinking that the cancer could possibly have even spread to the lymph nodes which is quite often a death sentence because once in the lymph nodes it spreads like wildfire.

Upon each songwriter greeting one another for the 11am writing appointment. It had been visibly noticeable that one of the writers wasn't doing to good as he told the other that he was waiting on a call from the Doctor to let him know whether indeed the diagnosis was cancer...and secondly if it had spread into the lymph nodes.

Understanding how taxing and overwhelming it must have been because of awaiting a phone call that would mean life or death. The choice would be to stay and write the song. After hearing from the scared to death songwriter that he felt in his soul that he had no choice but to create a song during this life hanging in the balance moment.

The other songwriter told him that he's glad that he made that call because a song came down to him in a dream during the night which was precisely about never quiting no matter what. And as the guitars began to play and the words began to be sung. The following song and song lyrics were born. Perhaps to inspire those hearing this song and reading these words that no matter what.....It ain't ever over at halftime.

The lyrics are on the screen as you listen to this life giving song which was inspired by death knocking on the door. The Song is known as, "Halftime"

P.S. If you are inspired by this song then pay it forward and share it with everyone you know. Motivating Tune - Composed While Waiting On Phone Call From Doctor About Cancer Diagnosis