Rubber Silicone Wristband as Marketing Tools

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Revision as of 19:58, 13 February 2013 by MerringHounshell (talk | contribs) (In recent years, the market for custom rubber wristbands has exploded, with bracelets of just about every color under the sun to represent myriad causes and beliefs. People have used them to promote bands, schools organizations, businesses and many)
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In recent years, the market for custom rubber wristbands has exploded,?with bracelets of just about every color under the sun to represent myriad causes and beliefs. People have used them to promote bands, schools organizations, businesses and many other things.

It's understandable why custom rubber wristbands are so popular. For starters, they're dirt cheap. They can be produced inexpensively enough that they can be given away at trade shows or in a retail setting as a promotional item. And people like to wear them.

Custom rubber wristbands are a great marketing tool for businesses, organizations, political candidates and?groups, and even individuals. Because they cost little, come in fun colors and are easy to wear, they have become a popular fundraising and awareness improvement tool.?That's a major part of the appeal of custom rubber wristbands. People like to feel like they're part of a group, that they're attached to something positive. Custom rubber wristbands offer wearers a way to do that and support a cause that's important to them. The bracelets - which are actually 100 percent medical grade silicone, not ordinary rubber --?are affordable for just about everyone. And they're a way to add a dash?of color to even the most conservative workplace dress code.

Custom rubber wristbands are available in several styles to fit just?about any promotional need and budget. The most?popular is the debossed style, identical to the classic yellow?wristband by Armstrong. With these silicone wristbands, the text message is molded into the silicone material. It's a low-key design that doesn't draw undue attention to itself.

If you want to precisely reproduce a corporate logo or trademark, silk screen printed custom rubber wristbands are the way to go. These print a photo-quality image directly onto the flat surface of the custom rubber?bracelets. Custom rubber wristbands can represent just about any cause, business, organization or idea you can imagine. They're a great way to reach an audience with a message that they'll remember.

Embossed silicone wristbands on the other hand, take the opposite approach, raising the lettering above the wristband surface. These wristbands are more eye-catching, and draw more attention to the text.?

Debossed painted silicone wristbands are made just like the more basic debossed wristbands, but the lettering is filled in with colored ink. These silicone wristbands have a bright, bold message that's hard to miss.?They're particularly popular for team and school wristbands.

Custom rubber wristbands also enable people to say they're doing?their part in the fight against cancer, or to wipe out poverty, or to support a political candidate. With so many custom wristbands introduced?in so many colors in recent years, they have come to represent just about every kind of cause one can imagine.

Unlike social cause organizations, the business and marketing world is just beginning to catch on to the potential of custom wristbands. From products and services to individuals looking for jobs, custom wristbands can be a powerful marketing tool.

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