The Benefit of Site Usability Optimization for Your Online Business

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Revision as of 00:41, 7 February 2013 by StewadtDelmonte (talk | contribs) (It is odd that you almost never hear folks talking about usability and websites. But it is intriguing because it is an area of vital importance to the good results of any business website. But people usually understand that a site needs to be usable;)
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It is odd that you almost never hear people talking about usability and websites. People seem to get so engrossed with traffic and other things but usability does not seem to be on most peoples' radar. But people usually understand that a site needs to be usable; however they do not always know how to optimize for usability. All of us want our visitors and audience to return to our sites. Also, there are many factors associated with usability, and the only way to optimize your site is to understand what is happening with your visitors.

So you understand the importance of knowing visitor behavior, and you will use a decent tracking script for getting that done. What you will do is identify problem spots on your site, and then you begin testing that spot to resolve the issue. If you think about it, that technique is not so sophisticated, but it does work nicely if you do it. Some tracking scripts are extremely simple, and of course you can use something powerful like Google Analytics. They basically do the same things, and then it comes down to features and benefits. Just a few important areas include how long people stay on your pages as well as exactly where they enter and leave from. We think it's worth it to use a superior quality script so you can have a greater idea about your site. Check out this link on Greenville SC Web Design

You realize the importance of optimization for conversions, and that is all this is about. You can optimize your site for any number of ideal actions including conversion rates; both an opt-in or a sale. In order to determine what works, you will employ certain kinds of tests. The vast bulk of people just use split testing, and that's fine because it does work well. Split testing is the most straightforward and easier than Taguchi multivariate testing. If you are unsure about what to test, then you can begin with what you think is the most critical aspect of a page. Nevertheless, if you are tracking and notice visitors are constantly exiting on the same page, then that is a huge hint that something on that page is causing them to leave. The sensible approach to optimization and testing is to discover where your site is poor so you can correct it.

There is no doubting about the value of testing and usability performance analysis. However, the long term results will be well worth the time and inconvenience to do it. You will understand and appreciate it much more when you see what is possible. We all know what the bottom line is, and that is the entire reason for doing this.

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