Make a Will Online Evaluation

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Make a Will Online Options

Do you need to make a will but are bewildered by all the different options? Well don't worry, this simple review will clear everything up for you in no time at all and give you the best options to make a will online!

First of all, if you need to make a simple will i.e. you want to leave all of your possessions to one person e.g. your spouse, and maybe a few gifts to friends or family? Then do not waste your money on a lawyer, which can set you back around ?150.00. It's a common mistake that you need a professional lawyer to draft your will. In fact, you can make a will by writing on the back of a fag packet, and as long as you sign it, and have your signature witnessed by two people, it's a legally binding document!

There are plenty of options for you to make a will of this nature in a flash and easily.

Make a Will Online for less than a Fiver!

Websites, such as Instant-Wills (link at the bottom of the article) provide a budget service for under a fiver for wills of this nature. The website is very simple to use and your will is available to print or email immediately after you have finished completing the form. You can even make changes to your will for up to 14 days, so if you spot any mistakes, or change your mind about a beneficiary, you can simply log back in, make the changes and print or email a new copy.

Make a Will Online - Mirrored Wills

For slightly more difficult wills, such as mirrored wills (where you and your partner have identical wills), again there are more online websites that offer this service for around the ?60 mark, but again this will save you a lot of money compared with using a solicitor.

When to use a Professional to Make a Will

For more complicated wills, such as wanting to set up a trust or leaving property that is located outside of England and Wales, then this where you should seek the help of a professional. This area can be very complicated indeed, so I would not recommend using an online website to make a will, unless the website also has in-house lawyers to check over the content.

For simple wills under a fiver check out Make A Will Online for Under a Fiver Check out the original article here Make A Will Online Review