How to Boost Your Site's Page Rank Easily

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Search engine optimization is all about consistency, and consistent SEO often leads to a high page rank. It's not even important what your niche is or who you are targeting with your site; if you the SEO groundwork isn't in place your site is going to sink to the bottom of the page rank pile. Google is playing matchmaker and attempting to match the needs of the searcher with the best possible resources - that is why a ranking system for pages was invented in the first place. Can you even expect link love from other sites across the Internet if you're not even meeting the basics to make the search engines happy? How can Google give you the boost to page rank for your keywords and phrases if Google hasn't been told, by you, what they are? Always keep in mind that on-page SEO is just as important for building higher page rank as off-page techniques.

The social bookmarking websites (think Digg, StumbleUpon, etc) all have super high page ranks and the websites submitted to them can only be helped with that submission. These sites are a great portal through which to reach your target niche when you upload good content. So in a way, social bookmarking sites offer you a way to directly and indirectly increase your website's page rank. How is that possible? One thing is that those websites that take your content have super high page ranks. Another thing is that the users of these sites use them as a way to look for other sources of content. This means that if your websites are valuable even a little bit you'll have a ton of other sites linking to you and helping you elevate your page rank. Be sure to tag your bookmarks with relevant tags with the right keywords. Interlink your pages so that you can raise your whole site's overall page rank. It's true: the search engines place a lot of value on linking in between the pages of a site. Look at the Wikipedia site: part of the reason it is so popular is that it has a great internal linking structure. This just proves to Google that your site's content is so valuable that it needs to be linked together. All of this can help you raise the page rank of your site: the thing you've been trying to do all along.

Your site needs an RSS feed to remain competitive so make sure you have one and that it has been distributed. This simply makes it very easy for sites that syndicate content through your RSS feed to link back to you so you can enjoy the additional page rank that provides. You don't even have to have a lot of content on your site to make this work for you.

Sometimes it may feel like you have tried and tried to build your site's page rank and nothing seems to be working? If this is the case, you may be missing something. Staying on top of the latest and greatest method to build page rank through SEO may seem like a struggle, especially since there are new methods coming out every day. To summarize this article - To raise page rank and land on the first page of Google for your keyword, you should building backlinks slowly from other sites which already have high page rank. Provide your readers with high quality and original content.

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