Read This If You Want To Get Bigger Muscles

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Revision as of 01:08, 5 January 2013 by HobockMennig632 (talk | contribs) (Are you having trouble opening a pickle jar? Does carrying your laundry up the stairs leave you winded? Many people believe that cardiovascular exercise is enough, but building muscle can both help you lose weight and stay healthy. The ideas in this)
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Before bed, consume a lot of lean protein, along with fish oil. Your body needs lean protein for all the amino acids that it provides your body for growth. Fish oil is needed because it can slow down your body's absorption of this protein so that it can have a positive nitrogen balance for a longer period of time during the night.

There have been many studies that have proven that listening to your favorite music while lifting, can help you work longer. It can increase the number of reps that you can do before losing interest or getting bored. The more reps you do, the more muscle you will build faster.

Try not to work out for more than an hour at a time. Once you have warmed up for a few minutes, you only have about 40 minutes to work out before your body's energy stores are depleted. Once the stored energy runs out, your body turns to muscle tissue for energy, which is not ideal when you are trying to add muscle. Working out past an hour only defeats the purpose.

Do not overwork your body. In order to build muscle mass, your body needs a chance to recuperate. When starting out, work your upper on one day, then work your lower body the next day. Take one day off each week where you do no workouts at all. This will make the workout less of a job.

Be patient. Building muscle is not a quick fix; it takes time before you start seeing muscle development. This can be discouraging and make you want to quit. However, if you are training with the proper technique and doing what you need to do, trust that the results will come on time.

Consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates. Too often carbohydrates are among the first areas of a diet to be eliminated. A low-carb diet can often be detrimental to strength training. Carbohydrates are the fuel your body uses and failure to supply your body with enough can result in muscles being broken down. The amount your body requires can vary according to the intensity of your workout, but you should aim for between 2 and 4 grams of carbohydrates per day for every pound of your weight.

Keep protein going into your body both before and after a workout for maximum muscle building effects. About half an hour to an hour before working out, make sure to consume a good 20 grams of protein. This can easily be accommodated with a couple of glasses of milk or protein shake. Do the same an hour after your work out also, and you will enhance your muscle-building efforts!

Once you put this information to work, the pickle jar will be under your control and you'll be able to run up and down the stairs all day long! Having a fit and healthy body starts with taking care of it, which includes both cardiovascular exercise AND muscle building. Good luck!

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