Taking A Look At The Submit Your Article Program

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Article promotion has always been one of the best ways to get traffic and backlinks for your website. What you have to realize is how long and drawn out it can be to submit these articles on multiple web sites. Needless to say now there are submission services that you could find online that will manage these submissions for you. "Submit Your Article" is just one of those programs that may help you to get your articles submitted all over the Internet.

For individuals who are unaware, there are article submission services on the web but when choosing one, you want to make sure that they have got certain features. There are just a few features that the submission service should have in order to make it a good choice, these are, drip feeding articles, unique article submission along with the ability to create multiple pen names. These traits are all covered within this program and below we will be covering the importance of having these features with your article submission service.

Pen names can certainly be a huge feature and here we will explain to you why this is important. I am certain you are in more than one niche as an Internet marketer, the majority of marketers don't limit themselves to simply one niche. And you need to be able to promote yourself as a professional in each niche. The problem with just using the same name for every niche tends to be that people will see this, so if your claiming to be an expert in many different niches men and women will be able to figure out that your not an expert and your just working to make a sale. Now if for every niche your in you use a different name to publish the articles under, you will be able to market yourself as being an expert in each and every niche. Which is one advantage about the "Submit Your Article" program, they enable you to create multiple pen names.

This system furthermore makes it possible to distribute unique versions of your articles. Being in a position to accomplish this helps to keep you away from Google's radar. When your publishing unique articles the links in those articles will finish up being more powerful. Should you submit the same exact article just about everywhere you will be getting links but the majority of them will not count for much if anything at all as they are all coming from duplicate subject material. This should clarify why unique content is so much better to make use of than just a plain article.

And another thing this program can do is to drip feed your articles so that they aren't all just published on the Internet all in the same day. In the event you publish all these articles at once you will be throwing up a red flag with Google and your site can end up being un-indexed.

By employing this service you will find that it is one of the better methods for getting your articles published and also for developing links for your sites. Of course when done right you will be receiving links from all different sites and the links themselves will never be in duplicate content so your site should really get better search engine rankings.

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