Easy Checks to Make Before Launching a Website

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Many marketers get caught up in how their site looks and the content they will offer, but there are many other important details one must not overlook. New webmasters and bloggers tend to ignore small details thinking it's not necessary or important, but these are the very factors that can make or break your website. Double checking everything on your website to ensure all is well is something all webmasters should do before they launch. The more effort you put in is only going to assist you with a better performing site and help you ensure a stronger foundation for a better user experience.

One of the top tools most webmaster's use is an analytics tool. Installing this tool will provide you with very useful information about your website. There are many different analytics tools, each provides basically the same information, such as: Traffic sources - exactly how people are finding your website, Popular pages, World Map - showing where visitors are located, Top Exit Pages - the pages people leave your site from most often, etc. One of the very best free analytics tools available is Google Analytics. This is a free tool available to all webmaster's. Simply install Google Analytics on your website once you're done creating it and you'll start receiving precise updates about your site's performance. You need to have plenty of backup established before you launch, if your site is a database of information. If your website goes down and you failed to back it up, you will have potentially lost a good source of income as well as all the countless hours you put into building it, so give this matter your full attention. So, it's common sense, backup and be safe or fail to backup and be sorry. If you're using the WordPress platform to manage your content, then you can easily install the WordPress Database Backup plugin where it automatically emails you the backups. With standalone sites you are going to have to conduct regular backups manually.

Does your website have a defensive element? Simply put, does it have a design element that is there to get your visitors back to the right place? The most commonly overlooked element in this case is the 404 page. This will generally pop up when the user keys in a wrong address or there is a missing link. The causes could be for other things as well.

It would be simple to design a special 404 page that would guide your readers to other useful sections of your website, when they are in the wrong place. So be certain that your 404 page is unique and actually brings something of interest to the site. There are many different variables that contribute to the overall performance and results of your website. Don't worry, you probably won't get everything right on launch day regardless of how much evaluation you do. But that doesn't mean you simply take it easy and let your site launch in whatever condition it is. Don't think your work is done after you launch your site because it will require just as much effort after-wards to achieve the greatest conversions and sales.

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