The charm of timeless toys

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Today I want to talk about toys that never go out of fashion. Toys that our children are now playing with, Wooden toys that we used to play with when we were young, as well as our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.... and who knows how many generations back. Yes, because wood is a natural material always available to man and the art of carving has prehistoric origins!

It is no coincidence we talk about wooden toys and handmade toys.

Among the famous signature wooden toys there was the designer Enzo Mari. He had an original creation produced in 1960: a box containing 16 different animals, all in oak, which fitted neatly together; a project as complicated as it was brilliant. This wooden game could be used as a puzzle, such as buildings, or to tell a story. In short, children's wooden toy handcrafted and therefore unique in each piece, multi-functional, environmentally friendly and recyclable. It's amazing to bring together so many features in one product. The box by Ezio Mauri might have a high cost but many believe wooden toys are worth every penny.

The idea of hand-carved wooden animals, however, is much preferred. Perhaps this is why crafted items using local sapwood has much ,ore affordable prices.

A little curiosity? Do you know what sapwood is?

It's the part of the tree where the sap flows and is located between the cortex and the inner part, called heartwood.

And it is the sap of this wood that gives it its particular name. Here is a small list of sapwood toys: A little vehicle in wood on wheels will help interact with the surrounding space.

A wooden Tricycle: to have fun on and create games of movement. A Wooden Rocking Horse: timeless toy for all generations, pure fun, and imagination galloping in the wind.

These wooden crafted toys of various animals are really wanted, because parents believe that these are still the kind of toys with which children love to have fun and create imaginative stories, at the same time helping them to socialize with their friends. And let's not forget we love eco-friendly products.

And, in the case of sapwood animals the intent it was to "revive" extinct animals, thus giving creating a time to tell the children ancient stories.

And each of these animals has its own story, you can tell your children and we are sure that they will listen to you with their ears and eyes wide open

To know more about our children wooden toys, please visit my website: