Playing with your children and choosing the right games: wooden toys, educational toys

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children's wooden toys

Playing is a pivotal moment for the child, because it is in this moment that they get to understand how objects work, refine their manual coordination, experiment with their sensory capabilities and at the same time learn to recognize and manage their emotions to as the love, aggression, anxiety, and also enhances creative abilities. Of course toys have different characteristics for all ages. The educator and psychologist Jean Piaget relates the development of toys for different ages of the child, pointing out that playing is the highest and most complete expression of children's thinking, and then again playing is the main tool to study the cognitive process of the child. Realgoodtoys distinguishes three different types of children's wooden toys which correspond to specific phases:

 Exercise Toys which cover a range which is typical from birth to the first two years of life. These are the toys that the child uses to learn to grasp and end up bringing objects to the mouth or opening and closing the hands and eyes. In this way, the child learns to control and coordinate his movements. It is in this phase that larger children's wooden toys that cannot be swallowed are important.
 Symbolic games, these Children's toys are typical of the period ranging from two to six or seven years old. It is in these games that the child expresses his fantasy "pretending". This phase is a very important step because through them the child on one side gains the ability to represent a situation and the other develops his creativity. These are games in which, for example, children use a wooden toys like boxes to represent a table, the sheets of paper to represent the dishes...
 Playing rules, you will notice after the age of seven or eight years, the child will fully start socializing. It is in this stage that the child is faced with certain "rules" that he or she must comply with.

In every single stage, but especially in the first years of the children's existence it is very important the presence of Role Models - parents, grandparents, siblings - that play with the child, and that encourage to explore new objects and new experiences, to learn how to manipulate to use children's toys in a personal and "creative" way. Here comes the importance of playing that can not only stimulate your child's creativity, such as wooden toys, games, educational games, or solar energy, but also strengthen the relationship between parents and child. So it s fundamental to avoid toys like video games which do not add any curiosity and "detach" the child from the parent precisely because it is not needed any interaction with adults or interact with others.

To know more about our children wooden toys, please visit my website: