How to change colours on your photo on canvas

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You have decided to print on Canvas a picture of your holidays, but you really want to change the colour of your dress. Well below I will show you a technique using photoshop how to change the colour, without changing the rest.

In our example we're going to change the paint colour of the motorcycle.

The first thing to do is to select the part of the future canvas photo you would like to change. To do this in Photoshop there are several tools that could be used, however in this example, we will use the Colour Range command, this menu:

Menu / Colour Range

This will open the following window:

Let's analyze the controls. The select menu allows us to act on sampled colour (or manually select and directly from the image, with the appropriate eyedropper tool, the colour change) or individually select the particular key.

In our case we use the sampled colour, then go with the eyedropper to click directly on the image, the colour you want to change (in this case purple).

In the black box will appear the portion of the selected image.

With the commands dropper + or - (found under the save button and with which you can add or subtract colours) and the instrument tolerance (to define the intensity of the colour selected), go to calibrate in our selection to be sure to change only the part you are interested in changing. In the motorcycle it will be the purple.

Another useful command for this window is the Preview selection, which allows direct visualization of the image, with four different methods, the area actually selected.

After adjusting the colour, click ok.

As we will see a selection of colours you choose.

Now for the colour replacement. Here you can work in multiple ways. This example uses the Replace colour command.

As you can see the command acts only on selected colours. So you can raise the question: why we did not use this command in the first place?

Select in advance the object is useful to act only on that part of the image that you want to modify in your canvas photo.

If in the background of our motorcycle were other purple objects, the replacement tool would have changed them all

I want to clarify that in this specific example there has been no other presence of purple in the background.

Back to our colour replacement. Now choose the menu command:

Image / Adjustments / Replace Colour The following window appears:

With the same procedure above, select the colour, go now and pick the colour you would like to change, ensure that all the parts of the window are selected, and proceed in colour replacement.

You can modify the image further using the three controls: Hue, saturation, and brightness.

As mentioned previously, by altering these values the colour change takes place only on selected areas of the photo (in this case, gas tank and tail saddle of the motorcycle).

In the example I change the colour from purple to red. Now this new red motor cycle will be ready for your Photo on Canvas. Now where to find bargain prices

To know more about our canvas printing, please visit my website: