Powerful Leadership Strategies that Will Make an Incredible Impact to Your Family, Friends, and Even Your Enemies Part 2!

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Powerful Leadership Strategies that Will Make an Incredible Impact to Your Family, Friends, and Even Your Enemies Part 2!

Here is a Powerful story of a mediocre man: A a man whose mother died when he was only nine. His sister died when he was 19. He was very slinky and was very weird looking. In fact, while growing up all the local girls constantly made fun of him. At the age of 21, he failed at business and lost the legislation race when he was 22 years old. He tried but failed again at business at 24. He even had a nervous breakdown when he was 27 years old. I almost forgot to mention he lost the congressional race when he was 34 and 36 years old. He even lost the Senatorial Race at 45. Yet, he was not only determined but was also persistent. When he was 47 years old, he strived to become the Vice President--but LOST. This individual failed at EVERYTHING he pursued. YET, he become one of the greatest President of the United States of America.

His name....

You see it is through PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT that guides all Leaders to overcome their challenges, handicaps, and obstacles. It doesn't matter how many x's you fall, all it matters is how many times you get back up and drive forward.

These Leadership Strategies are not about being Selfish, but Selfless!

These leadership strategies are about Service to Others.

"There is no higher purpose in life than to render service to others."

Mother Teresa is considered one of the MOST influential leader of all times for devoting herself to help hundreds of people-the poorest of the poor of Calcutta, India.

Leaders can also be the PARENTS that works extremely hard: Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to provide their children a better education, a better lifestyle, most importantly the values and beliefs that creates hopes and desire -- like the what Colin Powell's parents did for him.


it can be any INDIVIDUAL with Every Disadvantage and handicap that life had to offer, BUT was able to find a way to LEAD THEMSELVES towards, WEALTH, WISDOM, PROSPERITY, and as a result was able to inspire and make a difference in MILLIONS of peoples lives DAILY: Oprah Winfrey, Andrew Carnegie, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr.

      • Yes you can lead yourself from POV to PROSPERITY;



FROM BEING IGNORANT TO BEING WISE; so you can effectively render great service to others. Understand that it is ONLY through SERVICE TO OTHERS THAT LEADS TO GREATNESS!!!

The key to These Effective Leadership Strategies is About Modeling the Right Leaders

Final strategy towards effective leadership: Great Leaders understand the importance of modeling the right people! "If you do what they did, you will get what they have gotten!" It is that simple.

Charles Plumb titled his new book "Who is packing your parachute?" GREAT question to ponder on. Whose instructions are you following?

  • The instructions you follow determines the future you create.
  • Instructions can come from:

-SOMEONE you know -BOOKS you read -AUDIO PROGRAMS you hear, OR -VIDEO you saw

"Success Leaves Clues" Tony Robbins

If you want to be a SUCCESSFUL LEADER; MODEL someone who is a SUCCESSFUL LEADER. *If you do what they have done, you will get what they have gotten.

Life is tooo easy-it doesn't get easier than that, BUT WHAT'S EASY TO DO IS ALSO EASY NOT TO DO.

In this article, you learned (3) leadership strategies towards effective leadership:

1) Leadership is not a trait that you are born with, it is something you become! a. One of the United States Marine Corps Leadership Principle - Know yourself and constantly seek self-improvement.

2) Leadership is SERVICE TO OTHERS b. Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, said it the best "the best leader is the servant leader."

3) Choosing the RIGHT MENTOR, who will provide you with the RIGHT INSTRUCTIONS.