The Best Ways To Make The Most Of Your IPad

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Revision as of 05:35, 5 November 2012 by BrattHinojos130 (talk | contribs) (Very few iPad users have unlocked an iPad's full potential. Learning how to operate the iPad in the way that it was developed to be used is essential to gaining a full understanding of its capabilities. Continue reading to unlock your iPad's potentia)
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Put a screen protector on your iPad. It does not interfere with the visibility of the display. The screen protector protects your iPad from oils and dirt from your fingers. It is great way to prevent your screen from permanent scratches. If the protector is scratched, it can be easily replace.

You can configure your iPad's home button to perform a given action by being triple clicked. To do this, simply bring up the Settings tab and then click on General, followed by Accessibility. Then go ahead and triple-click your home button and go on to select what you want your home button to do. This will enable you to triple click and access a chosen function.

Do you have multiple users on the same iPad? You may not want them to view your online history. You can delete the browser history quickly. Open the Settings app and tap on Safari. Once Safari is open, then tap on the Clear History button. This will clear the cache and all cookies.

Think carefully before you decide to jailbreak your iPad. The advantage of jail-breaking your iPad is that it will provide you with lots of additional features. However, jail-breaking your iPad can make it more vulnerable to hackers. Furthermore, jail-breaking voids your warranty from Apple and it can have a considerable impact on your iPad's battery life.

If you only have wifi, but not 3g, you can still get a lot of use out of your iPad. Not only can you download songs beforehand, you can also download most of your applications while within wifi range and then use it anywhere. This is also true for podcasts.

Don't automatically go for the newest version. You may find that the features you want are on older versions, and you will find that the older versions are significantly cheaper. Compare and find out which version of the iPad suit you best, and you may save a little money while you're at it.

Do you need to type something in all caps? Instead of tapping on the shift key before every letter, turn the caps lock on by tapping your shift key twice. This works on both shift keys. This function is also available on wireless keyboards but most keyboards have a caps lock key.

If your friends own iPads too, you can share your entire music and video library with them. Open your iTunes app and and activate the home sharing function. You also need to enter your Apple ID in the music and video menu of your iPad. To access a shared library, open a music or video app and select more. You will then have access to a list of shared libraries.

You are now equipped with some of the best tips and tricks known for using an iPad. Give them each a try and you will soon have the iPad experience you are meant to have. Continue to learn about your iPad and you will see that the possibilities are nearly limitless in what it can do.

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