Are Dehydrated Chicken Jerky Strips the Most Dangerous Dog Treats?

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There have been warnings on the news, in newspapers along with notices in various veterinary offices about dehydrated chicken jerky being associated with killing dogs.

It has been reported that over (300) dogs and (1) cat have died due to contaminates in Jerky Treats from China. How many dogs have died and/or gotten sick and no one knew why or didn't connect the problem with chicken strips? How many did not get reported?

These chicken strips, tenders, chews, chips are advertised as all natural chicken. Of course, dog owners would want to give these products to their pets. Unknowing dog owners buy these 'all natural' products for their dogs, everyday. Why are these products still allowed on the shelves?

These treats are being manufactured in China, but why haven't all of these poultry products from China, been reported? All of the dehydrated chicken products that are in the stores are from China.

This has been going on since 2008! Why has the FDA been unable to find a cause in 4 years?

According to the FDA, you should keep a close eye on your dog, if you give them these treats. Also that, "Blood tests may indicate kidney failure (increased urea nitrogen and creatinine). Urine tests may indicate Fanconi syndrome (increased glucose). Although most dogs appear to recover, some reports to the FDA have involved dogs that have died." They've also stated that the "FDA, in addition to several animal health diagnostic laboratories in the U.S., is working to determine why these products are associated with illness in dogs. FDA's Veterinary Laboratory Response Network (VLRN) is now available to support these animal health diagnostic laboratories. To date, scientists have not been able to determine a definitive cause for the reported illnesses. FDA continues extensive chemical and microbial testing but has not identified a contaminant."

It is further said that the FDA cannot suggest a recall of these products because they don't have a definitive answer as to what is causing the deaths and illnesses.

The following products have been reported having potential deadly consequences. Waggin Train, Milo's Kitchen, Canyon Creek, Kingdom Pets, Diamond Pet Foods. The list is growing, so why don't we pull them all, until the FDA can figure out what is causing the problems. Are United States distributors hoping that no one will notice who the manufacturer is?

Are there any strips, chips, breasts, tenders manufactured in the US? Are there any SAFE chicken treats? YES , Kona's chips! These are manufactured in the US and are sold online. ( Some US manufacturer's, of chicken treats, buy their meat from China. That defeats the purpose. Make sure you know what you're buying.

It is reported that the FDA went to China and was not allowed into several of the facilities that manufacture these products. Why does the FDA allow these products into the US?

Who can protect our pets? Who can get these items off the shelves, if the FDA can't? There is a a petition with close to 30,000 signatures, to pull these products off the shelves. (see It has also been suggested to, at the least, put a warning label of the potential dangers, in feeding these products to your pets.

Dehydrated duck strips are also manufactured in China. Are they safe? How can one be sure? They're made by the same manufacturers and distributed by the same companies.

Jennifer F. has owned and bred dogs for almost ten years. Her passion for dogs encouraged her to start a website <a target="_new" href="] where you can find unique and top quality dog products at affordable prices. If you're looking to add a new member to the family, check out her initial website <a target="_new" href=" Papillon Butterfly World], which is devoted to breeding and rescuing papillons and placing them in loving homes.