Train That Dog With A Few Simple Tips And Tricks

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Revision as of 08:39, 14 October 2012 by Kaitlynkpharris (talk | contribs) (It is very important to train your new puppy properly from the get-go. Without proper training, the happiness you felt at first, will quickly turn into a big headache. This article will show you different methods to help get your puppy acclimated to)
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If your dog has a hard time learning from your training, figure out what changes may help. If the room is not quite enough your dog may be distracted. Long training sessions may exceed your dog's attention span. Sessions that are too short do not give your dog enough time to absorb training well.

Never leave a tied dog unattended for long lengths of time. Even the best trained dog can become excited and active enough that they snarl up their chain or rope around and around itself or another object. If you don't catch this in time your dog could actually twist his collar tight enough that he suffocates.

It is easier to train a dog if you reward him. When training your dog, reinforce good behavior with praise. As he is learning a new command, reward him with positive reinforcements, such as games and walks. The golden rule to follow is that the good behavior produces the reward and not the reward produces the good behavior.

The top mistake any dog owner can make during training is giving up. Giving up too quickly and too easily means that you've given up on your dog's abilities. Your dog needs time, patience, and consistency to grow. Continue working on behaviors in small doses. Your pooch is eager to please, so let him work alongside you.

Positive reinforcement is the proven key to success in dog training. Figure out what reward will motivate your pet and use it. Strong smelling meats and cheese are usually very popular. It is imperative to always have treats handy when training. However, it is equally important to watch the caloric intake.

Feed your dog consistent amounts at approximately the same time every day. This is particularly important during the house training phase of pet ownership. This allows the dog to establish a regular elimination pattern and the discerning owner can use that pattern to their advantage in speedily training their pet.

To stop a dog from digging in your yard you will need to figure out the cause. Some breeds are just natural diggers, but other dogs dig because they're bored, lonely or want a cool place to lay down when it's hot. If you leave your dog in the backyard for hours with little attention, interactive exercise or no cool place to stay out of the sun you may be contributing to the problem.

Consider joining a simple puppy obedience class when you get a new dog. These classes won't teach your dog everything he or she will ever need to know, but it's a good start to basic commands for your new fuzzy friend. Remember, though, puppies will need to be vaccinated before they can socialize with other dogs at puppy obedience class!

While your dog should obey all humans, it is very important that they have only one master. This does not mean that he won't listen to the commands of others, but that there is one individual who is clearly the highest in command. Otherwise, the dog may feel confused and insecure.

Be consistent when training your dog. Always give commands using the same words, in the same tone of voice. Realize that your dog will not learn commands instantly. You have to show him what you want. For example, if you want him to learn to turn left and right on command when walking, you must say, "left" or "right" each time you make a turn. Eventually, your dog will get you drift!

Having a well behaved dog makes all the difference when it comes to your pet experience. Disobedient pets tend to make a mess of our lives and our schedules. This article has given you some great tips to make your family pet an appreciated and loved member of the family.

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