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Do you want to lose weight or help your child lose weight? What are the fast and easy answers? It is the thing we hear over and over?diet and exercise of course. ,

Everyone knows that a healthy diet and regular exercise are the answers to losing weight and staying at a healthy weight. , We don'tneed more studies looking into the causes of obesity. , It isn'tjust fast food, or larger portions, or increased inactivity, that are causing more kids and adults to be overweight. , There is not one single thing that we can easily change that will make fewer people overweight. For most people, it is a combination of all of these things.

The problem is how do you get motivated to eat healthier and exercise. That not easy for most. Even if you can get motivated to start eating better and exercising more, keeping it up is the bigger challenge. Fortunately kids have a built in way to get motivated and that is through school. Schools could be making major changes to provide their students with healthy meals and regular exercise, but instead they make small steps such as banning soda and fruit drinks.

These five quick and easy weight loss steps are things that you can do right now to lead your kids, and your family, to a healthier way of living.

First cut back on some calories. Be aware of how many calories you actually take in and try to reduce them. When you consume an extra 150 calories a day, you will gain about an extra pound in just three weeks! Little things can lead to weight problems.

Secondly eat less fast food. Many fast food restaurants now offer healthy menu choices, most kids opt for high fat and high calorie fast food meals. You can search for healthier fast food, like a baked potato, salad, or low fat sandwich, but you are usually better off providing your kids with a healthier meal at home.

Next drink fewer calories. With fruit drinks, fruit juice, soda, and sport drinks, most kids drink way too many calories. In general these drinks are loaded with sugar. Often, these drinks can be the difference between kids being overweight or at a healthy weight. Eliminate these from your child diet and it will have a dramatic affect on their caloric intake.

Most know what the next step has to be - get more active. Kids don'tusually find traditional exercise fun. They are more interested in video games or tv. If your child must continue to play video games monitor their time spent closely and consider a Wii since it promotes being more active while they play. Try to get them active doing things that they do enjoy. This might include a new team sport or an individual sport. If they don'tlike the idea of being a part of a large team try to get them just playing in the neighborhood riding a bike, skateboarding, or playing outside.

Lastly shop smarter. Although you may not have complete control over everything your kids eat once they leave home, what you buy at the grocery store can help you control what they do eat at home. That doesn'tmean that they will eat all of their veggies just because you buy them, but they can'teat junk food and soda if you don'tbuy them.

Start with small changes. As long as you stick with them you can continue to steadily build a healthy diet and active lifestyle.