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(There are many benefits of using rubber silicone wristbands for your business and organizations.)
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Latest revision as of 12:39, 9 February 2013

Customizable rubber /silicone wristbands can be a great business tool, but they're also an opportunity for you to be creative. Here, we've listed just a few ideas for you to use wristbands in a creative way.

Raise school spirit! Whether you're running an orientation event or an alumni soccer game, people love to support their alma mater. Give them a chance to support, advertise and cheer for their school by handing out or selling custom school-color wristbands. If your school's motto is 'veritas,' why not print that onto the wristbands? Wristbands can be a great reminder of how much school spirit matters!

Promote health and Safety! We all want to keep each other healthy and safe. Why not use wristbands to promote wholesome, healthy habits? We all know young kids have an attention span of a nanosecond: when we try to teach them good habits about washing their hands or brushing their teeth, they do anything BUT pay attention. But what if your scrubby bear demonstration came with free wristbands? Kids love free things, and if they've got a wristband that says "Don't get sick, wash up quick!" on it, they will see it and remember to wash their hands.

Promote a good cause! There are hundreds of nonprofit organizations raising money for a variety of causes, but nearly all of them have neglected the powerful wristband market and the message it could carry. The LiveStrong cancer research campaign doesn't have to dominate the market. Send a serious message in a fun way - raise money for AIDS research with red wristbands, or help Habitat for Humanity with blue and green ones.

Send a message of love or tolerance! Church groups struggle to reach youth, especially in their teen years. But it doesn't have to be that way. Groups have yet to tap into a variety of resources, including that of customized wristbands. What ever happened to the 'Jesus loves me' and 'what would Jesus do' bracelets? Why not bring them back in a new way?

Promote your band! Lots of young people as well as adults start bands or jazz groups. But it's tough to get people to come out to support you at shows, and word of mouth just doesn't cut it anymore. Why not distribute wristbands to fans (and potential fans) to remind and encourage them to support your art? They can't carry a CD of your music everywhere they go, but a wristband can remind them to advertise your band and come to your gigs.

Use them as a party favor! When was the last time you actually kept a party favor from a birthday, bar mitzvah or graduation party? Maybe if it had been a stylish custom wristband you would have held on to it and used it to remember those good times. You could even start a trend with custom wristbands - promote your own party or event, but encourage people to wear the wristbands from other people's parties too, to create a fun, multicolor accessory.

<pre PDC Solutions for Leisure & Entertainment</pre A Direct Wristbands Manufacturer in USA since 1956.