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(today i myself want to talk about from what source into achievement smart along with not hard up to make alot of gold like the top people in this world, myself mean every one know that individual who inner man think why are they rich in addition to)
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Latest revision as of 15:57, 6 February 2013

me want in the direction of share with oneself guys, my experience with this idea, just oneself might say "What is this 19 year old (Handsome man going to teach my humble self just creation money in addition to Working SMART, well actually A LOT.

create a lot of gold

Funny story, see as me was growing up in my attempt in the direction of fit in, myself found i doing favors for a guy, me indeed remember his name was " Roland " he was a 5th grader i myself was a 3rd grader. But the kid was smart, in view of every time myself did not want into do one of his favors, he suggested into pay me, plus not only would he INVEST in my application but he would offer i myself more capital when i would deny another "JOB".

So creation smart not hard! into manufacture a lot of cash!

Well listen up guys, because there is a lot in the direction of learn from this KID. He was SMART ok? i admit it, moreover my humble self as a barely kid oneself was always happy into generate treasure. What " MR. Roland" would ask me in the direction of do was into approach strangers, not any stranger, but the richest students ( whatever that meant in the direction of a kid in 3rd in addition to 5th grade) of the school, HE WAS SMART but the thing was that he wouldn't exactly explain why, his apparent reason for this was he needed up to create additional friends.

..HAHA crafting friends? only now that myself think about it is funny being oneself was basically "making friends" for him..

build a lot of gold

Well , this is when THE MAGIC started into happen, oneself Sir. Angel ( oneself thought that sounded cool ha) Started in the direction of develop a highly affirmative tuned intuition, and an excellent urge of OBSERVATION <- key word remember it.-

oneself only now couldn't understand it, my humble self started questioning my self " Why would he pay i up to create friends for him? why is he so obsessed with coming by also and additional? by what means can he actually keep paying me???"


for the moment of loyalty!!.. I...

.I starting OBSERVING, i myself started wondering stuff, my intuition told myself there was something more, there was a reason further than what met the eye..

Turns out, as my researching MISSION began, after some time of OBSERVATION moreover Curiosity, me found out that what he was actually doing was, getting oneself to ask folks into meet him so that he could then sell them some special "CANDY" he had invented..

myself still remember guys, when my humble self actually got into taste this candy, NO WONDER why he was creation SO pretty money!! That candy was. mmmmmm..

So from what source does this relate in the direction of?? be employed smart not hard! into create a lot of treasure!


Imagine when oneself were a not much kid, moreover there was a candy, a candy that for oneself was unique.. the same candy you would do anything to get...

THE same candy that when oneself were about into grab the before all else bite your mouth was already DROOLING of Sweetness, Sweetens that has not even create it in the direction of your mouth. but was about to. plus when oneself would should that to begin with Bite...It would taste SOO GOOD... so DELICIOUS in addition to SWEET.. That everything around oneself would just FADE AWAY, as if oneself where in a movie theater in addition to the FILM was actually the CANDY moreover all that absolutely mattered was this "CANDY".

Anyways, back on track (; this candy (As you ALREADY know) is GOOD. It was called the "ROLL" I'm almost sure it had into do with this kids name "ROLAND" (Duh!) by means of could myself not know. how could I.. MR Angel. should been so blind in the direction of not know.. my humble self had heard of that candy ALL AROUND THE SCHOOL. almost as if this DELICIOUS candy was L E G E N D A R Y... but myself dint know it..

So here is the link I told you about where you can find more information that will help you guys understand more more how to work smart and not hard to make a lot of money