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(Aging is something that is unavoidable and many people do not look forward to it. There are many stereotypes about aging that are just plain wrong. Aging can be an enjoyable process if you learn how to embrace it. This article will give you some tips)
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Latest revision as of 07:39, 2 February 2013

Research supplements that are proven to help with aging and take them as instructed. As you age, your body's nutritional requirements change. Look for supplements that are specific to your current age and needs. Talk with a doctor if you have questions over what your needs may be. The doctor can lead you on the right path to make sure you are getting the proper nutritional supplements in your life.

Have your hormone levels checked regularly as you age. You will want to have your doctor run standardized tests to be sure that your levels are where they should be. Taking hormone replacement or supplements may be the fix to the way that you have been feeling if you have been feeling bad.

Why not try some proven and well-received Chinese methods which can be either preventative or pro-active? Adding shiitake, maitake, morel and reishi mushrooms in your diet will help lower cholesterol, give you an energy boost, can help prevent high blood pressure and give your immune system overall protection. If the thought of mushrooms is distasteful to you, you can take them in supplement form.

A good way to reduce the impact of lines around the eyes is to wear sunglasses. Not only does this prevent squinting and causing crows feet, but sunglasses block the sun from hitting those high wrinkle areas and damaging the skin. So wearing sunglasses has a dual effect on the anti-aging process.

Be sure that you are drinking plenty of water in order to avoid skin problems from aging. Water is good for skin of all ages, but for people getting older, it also helps prevent wrinkles and age spots. You should also watch what you eat. Stay away from foods with too much fat.

Turn off the tv and get off of the couch. We all need our vices, but if you are spending every evening on the couch then something is wrong. We have to keep our bodies and brains active as we age and watching tv isn't doing any of those. Limit your tv watching to just one or two evenings a week and do something active or interesting on your nights off.

Fight the look of an aging face by getting enough sleep. Many people either have a problem getting enough sleep, or their busy schedules don't allow them to sleep enough. Either way, it shows on your face in the form of under-eye bags, pasty, white skin, dark circles under your eyes and a face that looks gaunt and tired. Even a 20-minute nap can make a big difference.

As stated at the beginning of the article, many people do not look forward to aging but unfortunately, it is unavoidable. Hopefully, this article has helped you to let go of some of the stereotypes out there and has given you some great tips to help you enjoy your golden years.

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