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(Acne is a skin condition that does not only affect teenagers-- people of all ages can get acne. That is why it is important that you know how to properly treat it. The following article is going to give you crucial acne information that you may have)
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Latest revision as of 07:12, 2 February 2013

In order to reduce your acne it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. When you do not consume enough water throughout the course of a day your skin becomes dehydrated. Dehydrated skin does not shed dead skin cells as effectively as hydrated skin. This can result in clogged pores and an increase in acne.

Wash your hair regularly. Your hair has a lot of oil in it. If your hair touches your face, some of this can end up clogging your pores. This is especially true if you have long hair or bangs. To reduce the oil, make sure that you wash your hair often.

Are you struggling with severe acne? Try taking Isotretinoin! Isotretinoin is packaged under a variety of brand names, and it is a proven treatment for serve acne. The drug can dramatically reduce the severity and number of future acne breakouts. Unfortunately, the drug does have some scary potential side effects - such as birth defects - in pregnant woman.

A wonderful topical treatment for acne is a paste made of ground nutmeg and unpasteurized milk. Apply as a mask on skin which is riddled with pimples, or as a spot treatment for a temporary break out. This will help to dry out your zits and ensure they don't leave a mark behind.

The best way to prevent acne is to be proactive in the treatment. One way to control acne is to reduce the stress level in your life. Stress can be very harmful for your entire body, and it also promotes oil production of the skin that leads to acne. Stress also will make your hormones fluctuate, which will also trigger an acne flare-up.

Use the natural mineral Bentonite Clay to help get rid of your acne quickly. This mineral helps your skin look better by balancing the amount of oil that you have. Take two tablespoons of Bentonite Clay and combine it with cold water. This will make a mud-like paste. Put it all over your face and give it time to harden. Rinse it off when you are finished.

To help prevent you from getting acne, make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day. You've probably heard this before but it's definitely important. Drinking water can help your body to eliminate toxins and chemicals that tend to accumulate, reducing our risk of getting acne.

When you are trying to care for your acne, it is important that you try it in a delicate way. The skin where acne forms becomes tender. If you do not treat this skin properly, then it can get damaged and may cause your skin to have permanent damage in the future.

If you have a single large pimple that you want to reduce, you can apply a crushed orange peel directly to the spot. The citrus oils will help reduce redness and bring down the swelling faster. However, orange peel should be used sparingly, to avoid overly drying out the skin.

If you begin today to follow these guidelines, you will begin to see an improvement in your skin and feel more comfortable with how you appear in public. You deserve to have the best skin today and in the future. Make the choice to treat your acne and you will be amazed with the results.

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