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(Here Are Some Simple Tips For Your Search Engine Marketing Efforts)
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Many people, I am sure remember the quotation from the movie Field of Dreams declaring "If you build it they will come", It may be before some of your times, but that quote was huge back in the day. When folks first started building websites on the Internet that quote was also correct, but my how things have changed. Those days are long gone and these days if you would like to get a good search engine placement, you have to have proper SEO.

In this article we are going to go over a few search engine optimization strategies that you truly should use. And things are never really that uncomplicated as you will realize that there are two different sorts of SEO. There is on page Search engine optimization and off page Website seo. The first variety of SEO is the on page optimization elements, this is basically how the search engines view your site and whether they feel it is a valid page to place in their results. When it comes to off page optimization, it is just the opposite. This is about setting up backlinks to your website. Backlinks also help raise up your rankings in the search engine results.

When it involves the on page web optimization, there are a number of things you have to do. Each page you build should be targeted around just a couple of keyword phrases. Let's imagine you want to rank for a term such as "Fast Weight Loss Programs", assuming your targeting a weight loss site. In order to get the attention of the search engines instantly, make sure that the title of the page is the targeted keyword. Then as you are making the page, you will want to feature that term in the first phrase of the content if possible. In case for some reason the content will absolutely not read right with that phrase in the initial sentence, you will have to make sure that the keyword phrase is somewhere at the beginning of the content.

Your keyword should also be included within every other paragraph of the post, don't fill all the content with the phrase as you may be penalized for keyword stuffing. As an example, lets say that all the content works out to be 8 paragraphs in all, this means that your key phrase will be in a minimum of 4 of these. And definitely include the phrase in the final paragraph of your content.

Alright now that the subject material is optimized it is time to accomplish your off page seo. You need to begin building hyperlinks pointing back to that page that use the term "Learn How To Lose Weight Fast" as the anchor-text for the link. So when people click on that phrase they are taken to your site. Search engines use these kinds of links as a sort of voting system for your web page. Which means that the more keyword targeted inbound links you have the more satisfying your page will rank.

Article marketing is the least difficult and best way to begin building these types of links. All you need to do is to create a different article on the same topic and include a keyword targeted link in the article. When you have the article or articles created you basically take these articles and submit them to article directories. Now your off page search engine optimization is done because each and every single time someone publishes your article from the article sites you are getting a backlink.

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